Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Trackerforex Scamp

Top 17 Scams in Malaysia Dies ist eine interessante Sammlung von Betrug von einem Forumer in LowYat - Stopscam007. Er betonte ein paar gebräuchliche Betrügereien, die den Unschuldigen ständig dämpfen, aber man kann sicherstellen, dass es sich hier nur um die Spitze des Eisbergs handelt. Irgendwelche 8216legit8217 Pyramidensysteme dürfen sogar auf der Börse von Kuala Lumpur aufgeführt werden, also was sagst du dazu? Jedenfalls, wenn du denkst, du möchtest das Geld in deiner Brieftasche schützen und diesen hart verdienten Ringgit daran hindern, in Schemata zu verdampfen Wie diese, die folgende Zusammenstellung von Stopscam007 wird gut gelesen werden. 1) Das Cafe Scams 8211 Island Red Cafe 038 Stevens Corner (seltsam, beide in Pandan Indah) 8211 Island Red Cafe sammelt Mitglieder RM6.000 jeder und versprach 5 Rückkehr jeden Monat und sogar geben Sie einen Namen in der ROC als Aktionär aber what8217s Der Punkt, wenn sie weglaufen. Stevens Corner, die berühmte indische Kaffeehaus folgt aufgrund von Geschäftstropfen seit ihrer Renovierung. Sie sammeln RM3.000 pro Mitglied und versprechen Rückkehr von RM150 monatlich und plant, ein schönes Fanchisee-Café namens StevensTeaGarden zu öffnen. Jemand erwähnte sie werden Sie unterzeichnen eine Vereinbarung, die ihnen die Rechte nicht zu zahlen Sie etwas in Zukunft. Wenn Sie sich wirklich anmelden möchten, bitten Sie um eine Kopie ihrer Vereinbarung und konsultieren Sie Ihren Anwalt, bevor Sie sie bezahlen. Wette bekommst du keine Kopie. Beide sammeln Gelder von neuen Mitgliedern mit MLM Rekrutierungsplänen und bezahlen die alten Mitglieder wie Sunshine Empire. Sie wissen nie, wann sie weglaufen werden. 2) Sunshine Empire 8211 Diese lizenzierte und juristische Gesellschaft hat ein beeindruckendes Büro im Erdgeschoss des KUB-Gebäudes entlang Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, in der Nähe von Menara Public Bank und AmBank Building. Sie haben auch ein Showroom Büro im Erdgeschoss im nächsten Gebäude. Vor 2 oder 3 Monaten, Singapore8217s Straits Times und The Paper veröffentlicht große Nachrichten erinnert ihre Leute, um vorsichtig zu sein und nicht an sie zu glauben. Ich hoffe, jemand kann den Link oder Google für sie. (Wie erwartet, sie STOPPED zahlen zurück Mitglieder jetzt und alle Investoren VERLOREN ihr Geld). Jemand unten hat einen Link zu den Singapur Nachrichten gemacht. In der Tat gibt es mehr dazu. Obwohl Singapur sie untersucht, haben sie ihr Geschäft nicht aufgegeben, da das Geschäft legal ist und so weit, kein Singapuraner hat es versäumt, ihre Provisionen wie versprochen zu erhalten. So kann die Regierung sie noch nicht aufhalten. Die Nachricht veröffentlichte, dass der Gründer, Regisseur und Gruppenpräsident ist jemand namens James Phang, aber er ist nicht der Besitzer. Ist das ganz seltsam. Am Ende des Spiels kann James Phang einfach aus dem Unternehmen einfach verschwinden und behauptet, dass er nur 8220 arbloyed8221 war. Ein solcher Trick passierte immer in Betrug. Jetzt hat das Unternehmen STOPPED bezahlt Kommissionen und Interessen an Mitglieder mit der Entschuldigung, dass die Regierung Singapurs hat ihr Bankkonto bei der Untersuchung eingefroren. Glaubst du, dass ihr Chef so dumm ist, viel Geld in der Bank zu halten, um gefroren zu werden. Sie werden alle weggetragen. It8217s nur eine Ausrede nicht zu zahlen zurück an Mitglieder und Mitglieder sind nur bezahlt 8220e-Bonus-Punkte8221, die bargeldlos ist. Wenn sie in Bargeld umwandeln wollen, müssen sie neue Mitglieder rekrutieren, um ihnen Bargeld zu zahlen und der Rekrutierer weniger aus dem Betrag. So wirken Opfer wie Vampire und 8220forced8221, um andere Opfer zu opfern, wenn sie ihre Gelder zurückbringen wollen. Und ihre Opfer werden später in Vampire verwandeln und der Betrug trägt on8230 .. 3) MOBILEWALLET 8211 Diese Firma im Besitz von 2 jungen Männern, Stanley 038 Rey Gan, Büro in Queens Avenue Park hat sammeln Multi-Millionen in den letzten 2 Jahren. Behauptet, dass sie mit Telekoms, Utility Board Zahlung wie Wasser 038 Stromrechnungen gefesselt, auch Maybank wurde von ihnen getäuscht. Werbung Anschlagtafeln überall. Sie haben geantwortet, ihre Mitglieder vor wenigen Monaten zurückzuzahlen, und die Mitglieder können nichts tun, weil sie gemacht werden, um eine Vereinbarung zu unterzeichnen, ohne zu wissen, dass sie behaupten müssen, wenn das Unternehmen aufgehört hat, sie durch ÄNDERUNG von Begriffen und Richtlinien zu bezahlen. 4) Wasserunternehmen 8211 Oxygenierte und alkalische Wasserprodukte 8211 Einige davon sind Wasser in Flaschen und einige sind Filter oder Geräte, die den Trick beanspruchten. Eines der besser bekannten Unternehmen, das verkauft 8220oxygen8221 Wasser ist SITO (angeblich für Selangor International Trading Organiszation stehen und behauptet Selangor State Government besaß einige Anteil an ihm). Die Schlüsselperson und Gründerin ist ein Dato Robert Ong aus Rawang, aber sein Name ist jetzt nicht mehr im Geschäft. Ihre Produkte werden für RM2 bis RM3 für eine 350ml Flasche verkauft und konzentrieren sich vor allem auf den indischen Markt. Ihr chinesischer und malaysischer Markt ist seit einem Jahr oder vor zwei Jahren längst weg. Ihre Kunden sind zu glauben, dass ihr Wasser mehr Sauerstoff hat und in der Lage ist, wundersame Effekte für den Körper zu geben. Wasser ist H2O, wie man mehr O hineinlegt. Wer weiß, wie viel Sauerstoff wir in unserem Körper jeden Tag bei FOC atmen. Die jüngste Nachricht ist, dass diese SITO-Gesellschaft ein neues Label auf einen neuen Unternehmen vermarkten wird, da der SITO-Name schon schlecht gegangen ist. Jemand hat mitgeteilt, dass diese Gesellschaft eine Menge Geld (aufgrund von Rückerstattungen) an ehemalige Händler verdankt, aber nur ablehnen, sie zu bezahlen. (Neueste Nachrichten, SITO verschoben zu einem anderen Ort und ihre MLM-Geschäft hat geschlossen, aber die Planung, um wieder mit einem anderen Namen beginnen, hüte dich.) Alkaline Produkte 8211 Kann jemand erklären, wie es für den Körper arbeiten kann. Der Magen8217s Magenflüssigkeit ist so sauer, dass Wasser von jedem pH-Wert, der durch sie geht, keinen Unterschied machen wird. 5) Car Fuel Booster 8211 K-Link, der berühmte Betrug MLM Company, der den Footpatch TAKARA verkaufte, später der 8220cock-ring8221 und die Energy-Card starteten im vergangenen Jahr die Patrouillen-Pillen. Es ist so heiß, dass auch Lebensmittelgeschäfte für sie verkaufen. Vor kurzem sind viele dieser Autos, die die Pillen verwendet, zu den Werkstätten eilen, um den Rest zu reinigen. Wenige Monate zuvor hat ein weiteres MLM-Unternehmen ein Treibstoff-Booster-Gadget gestartet, das behauptet, dass bis zu 20 Treibstoff spart, der an den Zigarettenanzünder angeschlossen ist. Started off gut mit Binärplan, aber Businese beginnen zu verblassen jetzt und die meisten Benutzer finden es nicht effektiv. 6) Parfümerieprodukte (zB Lampe Berger 038 Bel Air) (mehr Details später). Lampe Berger ist jetzt nicht so heiß in den Nachbarländern, aber es gibt immer noch neue Opfer jeden Monat in Malaysia. Muss dank denjenigen, die dazu beigetragen haben, und den Faden lebendig hier in Kopitiam. Bel-Air hat in Malaysia geschlossen. LB ist fast Null in Singapur. Dieses Parfümerie-Produkt aus Frankreich mit über 100 Jahren Geschichte ist nur Flaschen und Duft (überprüfen Sie die Fabrik8217s Website), aber das Unternehmen vermarktet sie in Asien behauptet 8220aromatheraphy8221 Produkte. Hong Kong TVB aired ein Programm, das ihren Betrug ausgesetzt, aber ihre Mitglieder behaupteten, dass HK8217s TVB bereits entschuldigt, um sie. Beachten Sie, dass die größte Stärke in einem MLM Scam ist ihre Mitglieder gehen alle Ausweg zu liegen, um für ihre Firma zu verteidigen. Der Grund ist einfach, diese Mitglieder befürchten, dass sie nicht in der Lage sein werden, ihr Geld zurück zu machen, wenn das Unternehmen zusammenbrach. Zu wissen, dass die Produkte von Lampe Berger langsam sind, fügen sie eine Reihe von Hautpflege-Produkten namens Estebel hinzu, auch claime, um über 100 Jahre Geschichte in Frankreich zu haben. (Kaum mehr chinesische Neulinge, sie klopfen jetzt die Malaysia in Malaysia) 7) Energieprodukte (Z. B. Steinanhänger, Armbänder, Matratze und Kissen). Sie benutzen alle möglichen Gimmicks und Demonstrationen, um dich dazu zu bringen, sie zu glauben. Sie werden einige Tricks und Demo zu beweisen, dass diese Produkte wirklich Energie produzieren, aber es gibt irgendwelche Tricks in ihrer Demo. Also, wenn es wirklich Energie gibt, ist es gut oder stark genug, um dem Körper zu helfen. Der Effekt ist eigentlich PLACEBO, den ich bald in einem neuen Thread ausarbeiten werde (mehr Details später) 8) Hi-Tech Produkte (Namen wie Bio-Tech, Nano-Tech, die Millionen von Dollars an Forschung beanspruchten, zB Bio-Young und XKL vor einigen Jahren). Die meisten von ihnen werden einen Professor hinter sich behaupten (auch mit Namen und Bild einer Person) oder verwendete Wörter wie 8220U. S.A. Formula8221, 8220German Technology8221 oder 8220Nanotechnology8221 und keine weiteren Details (mehr Details später). Wenn Sie nach mehr Details wie der Professor oder factory8217s Adresse fragen, wird die Antwort 8220trade secrets8221 sein. 9) Investitionsschemata 8211 SWISSCASH ist der König von allen. Swisscash ist fast vorbei, aber es gibt viele ähnliche und kleinere, die noch auf sind. (Jetzt, es8217s geschlossen oder gestoppt, um Mitglieder zurückzukehren) 10) GoldQuest 8211 Diese Firma, die behauptete, HK-basiert zu sein, begann mit einigen nicht-wertigen Gold - Plattierte Münzen, die für über RM2000 verkauft werden, haben mehrere Namen und veränderten Produkte mehrmals. QuestVacation, QuestNet, etc. Sie haben mehrere Büros in Amcorp Mall, PJ und ihre Schlüsselperson (in der Tat, der Besitzer), ein malaysischer Indianer wurde verhaftet letzten Jahr in Indonesien für die Beteiligung an einem sehr großen Phillipines Betrug. Die meisten ihrer Übersee-Büros sind geschlossen oder inaktiv, aber ihre Malaysia-Geschäft ist immer noch heiß, mit einigen 8220energy8221 Produkte. (Kann jemand bitte einen Link, der die Nachricht, dass ihr Chef war in einem großen Betrug in Philippinen beteiligt war und wurde im letzten Jahr verhaftet ) 11) Numerologie 038 Wahrsagerei 8211 Ein Unternehmen namens Visiber ist mit MLM zu verkaufen Wahrsagerei Klassen mit Ihrem Geburtstag auf Numerologie Wahrsagerei basiert. Die Aussichten werden mitgeteilt, dass sie eine bestimmte 8220number8221 zwischen 1 bis 9 in Form von Anhängern oder Armbändern aus rostfreiem Stahl kaufen und von RM600 bis RM20.000 verkaufen müssen. Kunden, oder eher Opfer sind meist Frauen aus ländlichen Gebieten. Sehr heiß in Penang jetzt und eine Reihe von Spin-off-Unternehmen haben begonnen. 12) MJ-Life 8211 Dieses Unternehmen steigert einen sehr großen Hintergrund mit vielen vielen Jahren der Geschichte, die nicht wahr ist. Ihre Leute oder Mitarbeiter können lange im Geschäft sein, aber nichts zu tun mit ihrer MLM vor kurzem gestartet. Warum halte ich es für einen Betrug oder schlecht. Neue Mitglieder werden aufgefordert, eine Geldsumme zu zahlen (bis zu RM1000) und man bekommt NICHTS dafür. Sie erhalten nur eine Mitgliedschaft können Sie berechtigen, alle Arten von Sonderpreisen und Rabatte genießen, wenn Sie medizinische Check-ups in ihren Zentren haben. Sie werden behaupten, alle diese Check-ups kosten mehr, wenn anderswo getan. Es ist nicht wahr. Nur die naiven und die neuen für medizinische Check-ups werden ihnen Opfer fallen. Die meisten Mitglieder, die das Geld bezahlt haben, endete mit nichts. 13) Seaweed Venture Scams 8211 1 solches Unternehmen befindet sich in Taman Maluri, Cheras. Sie werden Sie bitten, ein paar tausend Ringgits für ihre Venture von wachsenden Algen in Ost-Malaysia zu investieren und Sie sind garantiert Rückkehr. Um Ihr Vertrauen weiter zu gewinnen, werden sie Ihnen sagen, Ihr Investitionsgeld wird durch 8220versicherung8221 oder 8220unit Trusts8221 038 8220trustees8221 gesichert. Wenn Sie nach weiteren Dokumenten nachzuweisen, werden sie alle möglichen Ausreden geben oder einfach nur ignorieren, weil sie wissen, dass sie dich nicht bekommen können. Diese Algen Betrug ist einer der heißesten jetzt, warnen alle Ihre Freunde darüber, bevor sie Opfer sind. 14) MXM (bisher MGM) 8211 Dies ist ein Master-Betrug unter der jüngeren Gruppe, sehr erfolgreich vor 2 oder 3 Jahren, aber seitdem zog sie zu ihrem großen 10-stöckigen Büro bei Phileo Damansara und wechselte den Namen in MXM, ihr Geschäft sank. Sie sammeln Mitglieder RM3.000 bis RM4.000 mit Kreditkarte monatlich einfache Zahlung und im Gegenzug erhalten Sie eine Krankenhaus-Versicherung von Pacific Insurance wert nur ein paar hundert RMs zusammen mit einigen you-don8217t-brauchen medizinische Check-ups von ihrer Associate Company Pathlab Auch reden über Fitness, Lebensstile Bullshit, die alle wertlos ist. 15) Gano Excel 8211 Diese Firma aus dem Norden, ein Nachahmer von DXN verkauft Lingzhi Kapseln erstellt eine neue Firma namens Gano iTouch zu Cash-in im Internet wie e-Cosway, nachdem ihre Firma ging den Abfluss seit den letzten 2 Jahren, verkaufen Linzhi und einige nicht-Wert Energie Anhänger und alkalische Wasser Gadgets. Sie bieten kostenlosen Transport jedes Wochenende von KL, um ihre Alor Star Büro zu besuchen. 16) NuLife (HK) 8211 Diese Firma, die von einigen HK-Leuten angefangen hat, ist seit mehr als 10 Jahren in Malaysia, aber sie haben in HK und Malaysia wegen schlechten Managements und eines Produkts Betrug, der Gebrauch von einem verfolgten Amerikaner namens Dr Jeffrey Bland, Gefunden schuldig von falschen Produkten behaupten. Da dieser Fall in den USA ausgelaufen ist und viele Malaysier herausgefunden haben, dass der echte Chef in HK ein Steven Tang ist (er hat viele Malaysier in einem anderen Schema vor etwa 20 Jahren betrogen) ging ihr Geschäft den ganzen Weg hinunter. Jetzt behaupten sie, dass die malaysischen Partner sie betrogen und eine neue Firma in Malaysia gründen. Achten Sie darauf, diese neue Firma wird kommen mit einigen Investitionsprojekt Idee, die viele bekommen, um ihr Geld zu verlieren. 17) Arowana Fischzucht, Oora aus Deutschland, Biokraftstoff (Kompleks Maluri) etc 8211 Das sind einige neuere Betrügereien. Arowana Fisch-Venture bitten Sie, etwas Geld zu investieren und geben Ihnen feste Rückkehr. Biokraftstoff wird Ihnen sagen, ihre Indonesien Verbindungen (wie Sunshine Empire vor der Verwendung von Taiwan) 038 Oora aus Deutschland (ich vertraue nie diesen grausamen Deutschen), die Markt einige Bio-Chips und ein Gadget, die behauptet, Energie und therapeutische Effekte von accupunture, Tai - Chi, Yoga, etc. je nachdem, wie Sie das Spielzeug-wie Gadget, tragen Sie es auf Ihrem Körper und Sie erhalten die Wirkung später. Sie konnten nicht erklären oder jede Demonstration geben, um ihre Wirksamkeit zu beweisen. Nur Ärzte und Papiere behaupten, dass ich niemals vertrauen werde. Die gesundheitliche Wirkung ist eigentlich PLACEBO, die ich in einem anderen Thread ausarbeiten werde. Last but not least, danke für das Lesen bis zum Ende und ich hoffe, dass Sie wieder für weitere Details und Updates kommen oder helfen können, um für mich zu aktualisieren. Ich hoffe, Informationen über alle Betrügereien zu erhalten, damit ich sie hier teilen kann, um andere zu schützen. Obwohl die meisten der oben genannten werden durch Direkt-Verkauf oder MLM-Systeme vermarktet werden, werde ich bald hinzufügen Non-MLM Betrug. Bitte beitragen. Wenn du mir irgendwelche neuen Informationen vertraulich senden möchtest, kannst du sie mir bitte unterschreiben: PS. Bitte übergeben Sie diesen Link an Ihre Freunde, wenn Sie es hilfreich finden und vielen Dank an diejenigen, die mir beigetragen haben oder per E-Mail mit Informationen. Eine sehr informative Aufschreibungen über MLM 038 Scams Egal wie alte Nachrichten, diese ScamsMLMs, die oben hervorgehoben wurden, verbreiten sich immer noch wie ein Lauffeuer in kleinen Städten, z. B. Melaka, Kluang, Ipoh etc. I39ve persönlich wurde in Visiber, die Zahl Anhänger ausgetrickst. Kostet mich über RM800 plus RM50 für die Registrierung als Mitglied für ihre Einstiegs-39one Nummer39 Anhänger It39s nur ein Stein und einige Emaille. Viele meiner Freunde kauften über RM8000 für einen Ring mit Zahlen und Diamanten, zumindest das, was die Firma behauptet, alle ihre Produkte sind nutzlos. Der Besitzer dieser Firma ist so verdammt reich, nachdem wir so viele LADIES gekümmert haben, um ihre so genannten lebensverändernden Produkte zu kaufen. Du musst sehen, wie diese Chefs 39 ihr Geld in Boutiquen verbringen. In der Tat zeigte mir meine Sis nur eine Broschüre von MXM (MGM) ) Letzte Woche und erzählte mir, wie der Verkäufer sie überredet, das Versicherungspaket von der Firma zu kaufen. Soweit ich weiß, müssen Versicherungsagenten eine Lizenz haben, um Versicherungsprodukte zu verkaufen, aber dieser Verkäufer ist kein Versicherungsvertreter, aber er verkauft das Versicherungspaket von MXM, wie ein Direktverkauf. Das macht mich verdächtig, obwohl ihre Broschüre 39professional39 aussieht. Und ich lese aus dem Low-Yet-Thread, dass der Besitzer dieser Firma ist der gleiche Besitzer von Pathlab, Marcos Pizza, Kings Crab Chinese Restaurant in Kelana Jaya. Zum Glück gehe ich noch nie in diese Einrichtungen ein. Auch meine Tante in Kluang wurde mit dem Island Red Cafe Betrug Anfang dieses Jahres angefahren. Offensichtlich ist es ein riesiger Betrug, der versucht, Geld aus diesen armen alten Damen und alten Mens39 Ruhestand Geld in kleinen Städten zu bekommen. Wenn ich dich nicht irre, musst du ein paar tausend Ringgit bezahlen, um ihre Mitglieder und Aktionäre zu sein, dann bekommst du eine Mitgliedskarte, damit du den ganzen Preis bezahlen musst, wenn ich in ihrem Cafe speise. Die seltsame Sache ist, ich sehe kein Red Island Cafe in der Stadt. Also pls Vorspeisen Menschen Don39t bekommen Betrug von diesen Unternehmen Ich don8217t wissen, warum Sie sagen, Visiber ist ein Betrug amp LV ist legit .. Ich meine. Kann eine Handtasche kostet Rm20000 und du sagst it8217s einen guten Kauf und ein Diamantring kostet Rm10000 und it8217s ein schlechter Kauf..t8217s alle bis zu dem Wert, den eine Person für einen Gegenstand stellte. Für mich, egal wie gut Van Gogh malen kann , Es kostet nicht USD300mil..u get me Für mich ist Visiber nur eine Schmuckfirma, die um ihre Produkte bittet, bei ihren 8220determ8221 Preisen bezahlt zu werden .. Wenn don8217t wie oder nicht leisten kann. Nur don8217t buy8230I can8217t sehen, warum it8217s ein scam8230pls erleuchten mich .. finanziell feierlich Mai 26, 2009 at 9:32 pm - Antwort ok guys..im ein Student8230.i hörte Kiyosaki, Jim Rohn, Earl Nigthingale8230all diese persönliche Entwicklung stuff8230praktisch ging an die meisten Des freien Seminars veröffentlicht in der Zeitung..EAP zum Beispiel8230..all irgendwie steuern in Richtung Positivität für MLMssss8230.its logisch zu arbeiten härter für ur eigenen anstatt für ur boss8230n Zeug like8230.die reichsten ppl baut Netzwerk und alle anderen sucht nach work8230 und Ich habe gelesen, was die Kommentare sind über8230..can der Besitzer dieser Website und die Kommentatoren pls bieten mir eine Aufklärung seine bcoz im reali Angst für meine eigene finanzielle world8230.even der Millionär nebenan vorgeschlagen, ein Entrepeneur haben mehr Chancen, reich zu bekommen Und Kiyosaki sagte sogar, dass der Geschäfts - und Investor-Quadrant weit besser ist. So guys8230im in BIG Dilemma8230 die Fakten zu stark oder bin ich ignorant pls mir helfen. Ich kam zu 2 so genannte betrogenen Companinen 1. IRC 8211 Ich stimme nicht mit nur 1 Kommentar, dass was, wenn das Unternehmen weglaufen. Dann betrachten wir die Firma ist ein Betrug. Derzeit schreitet das Unternehmen aggressiv vor, um 50plus-Verkaufsstellen in Malaysia zu eröffnen. Und das Shareholder Investment Returnpaket ist nicht so attraktiv wie die Inbetriebnahme. Die meisten der malaiischen Freunde, die Teile in das Kundennetzwerk packen 8211 RM360 2. Visiber 8211 Ich kann auch nicht sehen, was der Betrug hier ist. Ist es denn die Firma macht großes Geld, dann betrachten wir es als Betrug Im Allgemeinen können wir bedenken, dass es ein glücklicher Teller ist, aber wenn wir tief studieren, ist es menschliches Verhalten mit verwandten Zahlen. Ich hv keine Kommentare zu anderen 15 Betrug Unternehmen. Aber wenn möglich, verbinden Sie nicht die REAL scam Firma zusammen andere Firmen. Finanziell schuldig 27. Mai 2009 um 11:16 Uhr - Antwort von wat keine Antwort noch wo ist die Rechenschaftspflicht dieser Website izit alrite zu sprechen schlecht über Unternehmen dann, wenn ich um Rat fragen .. keine Antwort Erraten Sie die Rechenschaftspflicht der ppl, die mich zu tun Mlm ist mehr da seit ich täglich aktualisiert8230e auf mr. Yowchuan8230pls geben mir ur Einblick über mlm8230 Hai-O, Lampberger, Herballife, Mofaz, Nulife, Usana alle von ihnen verfolgen mich Ritus jetzt in diesem Moment8230 so da der Artikel veröffentlicht ist .. es ist veröffentlicht mit responbility8230.thus Ich brauche Feedback8230 .. Pls verweist auf meine fragen8230 Again8230experts sagen, mlm ist gut8230top 5 der sosioökonomie pyramide nicht mlm pyramide aaaa8230.die 5 sagte seine good8230.die ärmer 95 sagte seine nicht gut, aber ich warte auf Antworten von finanziellen Experten wie mr yow chuan sogar das Pareto Gesetz 8020 sagte mlm ist gut8230. KClau schlug vor, das Auto mit dem Asset zu bezahlen. Ich bin mai ppl asset lo8230. Im a Medic Student..yet im Sorgen um meine finanzielle Leben so Blog wie diese ist hilfreich8230rich Dad sagte Ärzte nicht besitzen ein Geschäft .. Sie haben einen Job .. Ich bin der Hack im besorgt wei8230study so hart ad8230worried coz Ich bin einverstanden in Jetzt ist ein Student in Dillemma. Ich weiß, ich kann nicht gegen diese Experten über mlm8230.thus i nid eine andere Seite der Meinung von mr yowchuan und die respektable Kommentatoren ere8230 Bevor ich zu Ihren Fragen finanziell-furchtbar (FF), lassen Sie mich etwas klären. Von Ihren Aussagen oben, glaube ich, sind Sie unter dem Eindruck, dass diese Website für alle Fragen verantwortlich ist, die Sie fragen, und Sie bevorzugen es, Menschen mit Ihren unreifen Bemerkungen zu bedrohen, wenn die Dinge nicht nach Ihren Erwartungen gehen. Ich dachte, ein Student, der es geschafft hat, in eine medizinische Schule zu kommen, wäre reifer und gutmütiger, wenn sie sich um Rat fragen. Eine kleine Online-Etikette für Sie FF, niemand hier schuldet Ihnen eine Antwort und wenn Sie für einen erwarten, Sie besser gut geduldig genug, während die Menschen ihre kostbare Zeit beitragen, um Ihnen einige ihrer Vorschläge. Wie für Ihre MLM Fragen, denke ich, der beste Weg, um herauszufinden, ist, sich selbst und 39erfahrung39 den Prozess zu verbinden. Jeder Erfahrung ist anders, und was für mich nicht richtig ist, könnte für dich eine angenehme Karriere sein. Da hast du ein Student, schlage ich vor, dass du dein Studium priorisierst und alle diese 39money macht39 Aktivitäten sekundär. Eine Sache, die ich Ihnen versichern kann, diese Gelegenheiten werden immer noch um, wenn Sie absolvieren. Als nächstes zu überprüfen, ob die MLM, dass you39re Beitritt wird nicht dazu führen, dass Sie Ihre Investition zu verlieren, eine Hintergrund-Check auf das Management. Don39t schau nur die 39profit models39 an. Es gibt bereits umfangreiche Ressourcen auf dem Netz, um Ihnen zu helfen, das zu tun. Sie können falschprofits für einen start auschecken. Oder Google das Unternehmen. Wenn Sie zu faul sind, um Ihre eigenen Hausaufgaben zu machen, sind Sie wahrscheinlich die richtige 39market39 für diese Unternehmen. Die Tatsache, dass die Leute es tun, bedeutet nicht, dass es die Sache ist. Die Tatsache, dass das Gesetz erlaubt, dass diese Unternehmen weiterhin zu betreiben, sollte nicht ein Indikator sein, dass Sie Ihr Geld in diese Unternehmen setzen sollten. Rauchen ist legal, aber sollten Sie es tun Was ist Ihr eigener Wert Welchen Preis sind Sie bereit zu zahlen, um die Dinge, die Sie wollen im Leben Einige Leute sind bereit, alles zu tun, auch wenn it39s auf die Kosten ihrer engsten Freunde und Familien. Für sie ist es absolut gerechtfertigt. Schließlich gibt es keine Notwendigkeit für dich, mit irgendjemandem zu streiten. Die Antwort ist in dir und nur du hast die Autorität, dich mit dem Geld in deiner Tasche zu trennen - und sobald du das machst, akzeptiere ich die volle Verantwortung. Finanziell feierlich 30. Mai 2009 um 16:04 Uhr - Antwort Danke n pls akzeptieren meine Entschuldigung mr yowchuan8230i tun verstehen ur points8230 Zuerst glaube ich, dass diese Website ist zu verhindern, ppl als fallen in diese Betrügereien, rechts Aber von dem, was ive lesen von der Millionär nebenan , Finanzielle IQ, warum wir wollen, dass Sie reich und viele weitere persönliche Finanzen Bücher und Audio-Bücher8230.. von Donald Trumpf, Kiyosaki, Ram Charan, Haufen von Autoren aus Nightingale conant company8230.all die erfolgreiche ppl..they alle vorgeschlagenen mlm8230even die Letztes Kapitel der finanziellen IQ von Kiyosaki vorgeschlagen Netzwerk-Marketing .. ja ich werde versuchen, die Bücher aus dem falschen Profits8230thanks für sie .. Zweitens bin ich ein Medic Student heute nicht wegen der Tatsache, dass die medizinische Welt schafft gut erzogene Menschen und ppl Das akzeptiere volle responbility8230but Ich bin Person tht do Pflege n Verantwortung übernehmen, wenn Tings kommen mein Weg .... thts y im a Medic Student ny 90 meiner Freunde nicht machen .. der Prozess ist wichtiger als die goal8230 Und über mich suchen Für biznes Geld machen Zeug während des Studiums ist bcoz sumhow seine nicht bis zu mir zu dcide8230ppl um mich müssen essen und überleben .. ich bin reich i wudnt do it8230.und auch die Fakten reiche Klasse investieren sowohl Zeit und Geld8230und im Alter von 65 Jahren , Von 100 arbeiten ppl8230onli ONE wird finanziell INDEPENDENT8230doctors enthalten .. Sieben, wenn im ein reicher Medic Student .. immer noch in der Gefahr des Einbringens in Mittelklasse und arme class8230i39ve gesehen inkompetenten Ärzte geschlossen Shop b4 aufgrund zu viele Kliniken in einer Nachbarschaft8230n Ja Ärzte sind edel, aber Ärzte essen n haf Leidenschaft, um finanziell frei zu sein8230 Kiyosaki n Adam Wong und Brian Wong (NUlife) und Bob Proctor alle Rentner b4 sogar 658230sum machte es im Alter von 20 plus8230michael dell steve jobs8230all die ppl aus der Sammlung von Bücher, die alle gelesen haben, dass alles, was mich verwirklichte, ein Arzt zu sein, ist nicht enaf .. PPl n Gesetz, das es erlaubt .. Ich bekomme ur Punkt aber jetzt mehr als 100 bewährte erfolgreiche ppl, nicht arme ppl befürwortet mlm8230why ist also ich kenne seinen Betrug n Es ist sehr beunruhigend, um die Tatsache zu kennen, dass die reichen Leute das Wortnetz nennen. Wieder habe ich mich entschuldigen, für meine Grobheit zu entschuldigen. Es ist eindeutig in der Antwort darauf zu sehen, dass es wütend ist. Eine Person mit voller Verantwortung8230try reden Verantwortung bei der Rettung eines sterbenden Lebens8230i Ich weiß um it8230thus Ich frage um ... das Problem ist das zu viele Ah kow n ah lian (die 80 von ppl, die onli 20 des Reichtums teilt) schreibt Blog, um ein living8230its ok zu verdienen, aber Posting so art8230die Glaubwürdigkeit ist veli imp8230not ur Blog aber einige Blogs und Forum reali pisst mich off8230lesson dun unterschätzen die Macht von Dummes ppl in großer zahl .. ein blog soll angebot essen auf ur tisch und auch setz essen auf meinem tisch..thats wie v service die gesellschaft rite ni geben zu, im sehr junge n unerfahrene thts y im nicht schüchtern zu fragen, um8230Werde braucht Zu irgendjemandem gehören, der größer ist als selbst8230das yi, das sich anstellt, dass yi eine riesige Schulter braucht, um auf eine klarere Ansicht zu kommen8230thts y im ere .. sowieso danke nochmal für ur Antwort n seine veri viel geschätzt8230hope u wudnt Geist, um Feedback wieder in Die Zukunft8230shoot mich direkt Feedback, es ist ok. as Kiyosaki sagte v alle braucht Feedback, um erfolgreicher zu werden, schießen und beraten mich wie im ein Erwachsener .. nicht ein student8230.nway soli für den Tippfehler. ) Ich persönlich kontaktiert Sabah Jabatan Perikanan und bestätige die Algen ist ein Betrug, ich habe auch kontaktiert die Investition, die sie erwähnt, dass Ihr Interesse zu schützen, die auch nicht bestätigen NICHT den Fall. Die Investmentgesellschaft erklärte eindeutig, dass die Anleger an das Algenprogramm nicht mit dem Fonds verwandt sind, den sie dort setzen 8230 Ich verstehe nicht, wie die Mainstream-Zeitung diese Unternehmen annoncieren8230. Kürzlich Lamp Berge beworben 12 Seite auf einem englischen daily8230 Ist diese unverantwortliche Werbung Unwahrscheinlich die Zeitung kann alles mit it8230 Ich frage mich, was passiert mit dem Gründer des Unternehmens nach bestätigt, sie sind nicht in den Gefängnis Wenn nicht, vielleicht sollten wir in Erwägung ziehen, Einrichten D ChampDog, ich denke, der Grund, warum 39dumb39 Leute wie wir es noch nicht tun, ist, weil wir uns immer noch über den Kompromiss zwischen unserem Gewissen und dem Geld bewusst sind. Wer weiß, was passieren wird, wenn wir wirklich mit dem heiligen Gral der materiellen Versprechen versucht werden, weißt du, vielleicht haben wir einfach nur sagen, 8220Was der Heck, ich wohne nur einmal8221 Holen Sie sich einen Anruf aus einer Firma namens Capital Land intl (capitallandint) sind Dies ist einer der Betrug in Malaysia Garantierte Rückkehr. Wie ich weiß, 8230 viel MLM auch das gleiche tun, wie Amway die oberste Ebene 8230 Sie alle fragen Mitglieder zu kaufen 30k 100k Lager, um den Level zu bekommen, kleine Investition zu tun, große Investition zu tun groß. Sie stoßen wie dieser Klang sehr unfair auf alle anderen MLM-Unternehmen. Alle MLM haben auch einige Business-Plan und Marketing-Plan. Sie können so viele der Firma schreiben, dass ich in 1 von einigen MLM-Unternehmen. Also bitte zeig dir etwas so komisch Probieren Sie einfach das Lachen. und noch etwas. Ihre Artikel sind versuchen, einige der Produkte, aber nicht enthalten Produkt von einigen großen MLM Unternehmen. Es bedeutet, dass Sie eines der SOME MLM Unternehmen sind. Es gibt viel untie kaufen viel Marke ein gesundes Essen nur um Level zu halten und kann nicht verkaufen vor dem abgelaufenen Datum 8230 halten auf geben, um Menschen und niemand wollen es. Es hängt auch einen Betrug von amway ist ein Betrug, der Hut ab, um sie coz sie müssen eine sehr erfolgreiche scammers fuck you dumme naive blogger8230. Don39t einfach eine Sache vor dem Prüfen, ob der Inhalt richtig oder falsch8230 ist. Geh zu hell8230 MISLEADING8230. Ich bin sicher, dass Sie in Zukunft ärmer und ärmer werden werden. Schwöre dem Gott, dass du dich in der Zukunft mit irgendwelchen MLM-Firmen beschäftigt hast. Oder sonst wirst du mit Krankheit und Schmerzen sterben Eingereicht am 19. Juni 2009, 13:37 via IP Adresse: Wow, du wirst geschwärmt von 39some unknown39 people. Siehe meinen Beitrag auch same8230 sie wollen rechtliche Schritte auf mich nehmen. Vielleicht sind die gleichen Leute oder dieselbe Gruppe oder Leute. Ich denke, wir sollten mehr Leute sammeln, die auf das gleiche Problem stoßen und irgendwo so schnell treffen. Ich glaube, wir würden das Problem trotzdem lösen. Penang Tionghua 27. Juni 2009 um 10:01 Uhr - Antwort Ein Geschäft wird von den Leuten als Betrug oder eine schlechte Pyramide genannt, wenn es schließt und die Partner verliert oder betrogen von einigen oder allen Geldern, die sie ohne vernünftige Ursache setzen Oder erklärung unter anderem. Nur zu diesem Zeitpunkt des Verlustes oder der Deprivation könnte man das Geschäft als Betrug oder eine schlechte Pyramide definieren. Bevor das passiert, würde eine rationale Person es nicht eine schlechte Pyramide oder Betrug nennen. Die letzte Situation schlechte Pyramide oder Betrug ist noch nicht passiert. Welche berühmten Hersteller, Fabriken oder MNC haben keine pyramidenförmige Organisationsstruktur. So gibt es gute und schlechte Pyramiden. Wenn die Partner oder Mitglieder Geld verdienen, würden sie das Geschäft nicht als Betrug oder Pyramide bezeichnen. Doch zum Zeitpunkt des Verlustes beschuldigen sie alle außer sich selbst. Die goldene Regel: Willing Käufer und Willing Verkäufer. Caveat emptor Die wichtigste Crux ist, wenn man Angst vor Verlusten dann bleiben in Beschäftigung. Dont immer reden oder diskutieren über die Wirtschaft, weil es irks, Dinge zu sprechen, die man nicht kennt, versteht und schätzt voll. Geschäft hat normalerweise gewisse Risiken Zu investieren oder nicht ist ein eigenes Urteil. Man kann einen Stier aufs Wasser ziehen, aber man kann es nicht zwingen, sich zu paaren. Die Endergebnisse würden den guten oder den schlechten Teil der Urteile zeigen. Wenn das Geschäft entpuppt sich als rentabel und nicht ein Betrug, dann muss das Urteil auch einen Namen aufgerufen werden, zum Beispiel falsches Urteil oder etwas nicht so schön wie spid fol Um es einen Betrug oder etwas Böses vor dem eigentlichen zu nennen Es geht darum, die Weisheit und das Urteil unnötig zu projizieren. Seien Sie rational, bleiben Sie und beobachten Sie die Show, wenn man nicht teilnehmen möchte. Man würde wissen, ob man eine Lotterie schlägt. 1) MLM ist nicht für jedermann oder für ein Interesse oder mit oder nicht mit Interessen. Man muss die besonderen Fähigkeiten, Verpflichtungen und Ausdauer haben, um erfolgreich zu sein. Interesse ist nicht das einzige Element. 2) Man muss die Fähigkeit haben, ein Line-Up zu befehlen, um die beste Ernte für ein eigenes Team zu bewirken. 3) Es ist keine Beschäftigung oder ein gewöhnlicher 9 bis 5o Uhr Job. Wenn man das schnell erreichen kann und das Team Geld und Gewinne verdient, gibt es keine Angst vor Verlusten oder Risiken mehr. Vijay Borad 15. Dezember 2015 um 8.18 Uhr - Antwort Ich habe mit der untenigen Firma Geschäfte gemacht und ich frage mich, warum wer so tut dies das tun musste, was bedeutet, dass dieser Firmenname auf Betrüger Liste. Ich habe Geschäfte mit ihnen gemacht und tatsächlich habe ich alle meine Waren erhalten, sie sind echt und der Lieferant ist sehr Betrug Mohammed Clinton in Malaysia sehr Betrug Mann, ich bin hundert Prozent Zahlung bezahlen Sie aber nicht das Material zu senden. Der Firmenname ist: Unitech Papier-Industrie bei Penang nicht Unternehmen dieses Unternehmen sehr Betrug Penang Tionghua 28. Juni 2009 um 10:10 Uhr - Antwort von Penang Tionghua 15. Juli 2009 um 10:49 Uhr - Antwort Wenn eine Person Wert Urteile oder Meinungen über Betrügereien oder schlechte Pyramiden ohne Irgendwelche Hintergrunddaten der Besitzer, es bedeutet, dass er eine vorgefasste Meinung oder Denkweise hält, dass die Besitzer bereits vor dem Geschäft beginnen, zu betrügen. A rational person would not arrive at that conclusion if he does not know the owners personally or their track records. The person must know the owners to pass the opinions or value judgements otherwise all good efforts would be destroyed by irresponsible writings Do the owners have a track record of scheming a scam, scamming or cheating A person or writer cannot just make a sweeping statement or value judgement on the good and the no good. This means the person or writer shows his irresponsibility by brainwashing the public through blogging or comments in the blogs, and treats other people or followers of MLM as lesser persons, lesser cleverer and lesser smarter than himself. This is an insult to other peoples39 intelligence that only the bloggers or commentators39 opinions or statements are the right ways, especially when they pose the question, 8220when would people learn Reversing the phrase, it would be 8220when would the bloggers, commentators, et al, learn8221 The nation loses by the writers39 irresponsibility in brainwashing and attempting to suppress enterprise and entrepreneurship by creating phantoms in the minds of the youth. How could the writers know what is in the minds of the owners whom they have no data to back that they are schemers of scams or hardcore cheaters A person39s writings would show that he is also a schemer of some sorts for good or bad only the passage of time can tell. Prophets of Doom can predict anything. Only God and Prophets can decide the future. Humankind being mere mortal should not play such roles and declare any folding or unfolding of the future to confuse the minds of the people. As I have said on scams and bad pyramids, I would add the following verses: Heroes never die Cowards never survive Enterprise must multiply MLM becomes the way of life False prophets are abound Truths are still around If inexperienced judgement be sound Then experienced people are clowns Its not important when would people learn Of first importance is one must learn to earn How could one be a good and sound teacher When one is an MLM tempurung creature Dun know why, some people just so 39di diao39 to expose himself but they keep on giving so 39constructive39 ideas. Maybe they are the real 39heroes39 (and not cowards) as they (think) can survive better8230 haha.. Can i post up the background and photos of the MLM people here in your blog Three 39big bosses39 profile are identified so far (some promoters also got). Seems they are good and helpful person guiding us along the MLM strategy and making money. Feel this is a good way to appreciate them. p Hey Meishio, when we meet again Penang Tionghua July 15, 2009 at 6:23 pm - Reply If it pleases the writer, he could write an OPEN LETTER and declare the person in his letter a SCAM, Schemer of SCAMS and a CHEAT. This would be a better way to show the real hero in the writer. hello. today my husband was approached by a chinese lady in bukit bintang. she was asking my husband to donate for 8220save malaysian nature8221 and was explaining to him how animals are going extinct, about the turtles blahblah. And here39s the catch: She said my husband must donat eRM38 every month. I get so mad when I heard this. To me, this smells like a scam. If you are a real charity body, you don39t demand fixed monthly pay. Look at Mercy Malaysia or Bersamamu. They dont mind you donating anything even RM1 because if everyone donates RM1, that can still be beneficial. But hubby is too naive I guess. He39s not malaysian. He39s a foreigner. I39m suspecting that these scammers including charity ones use pretty girls (sometimes purposely showing the chest cleavage) to sort of 8220hypnotise8221 the males. So please if you think it39s a scam, do let us know. And, do watch out when you go to Bukit Bintang. Look past the pretty faces (or chest) Honestly I dont know which one to be angry about more, the fact that they ask for RM38 monthly, or the fact that they use girls for this scamscharities. How do we report these people I feel like taking down their IDs and then make a report to the police cheongpeng September 26, 2009 at 10:13 am - Reply After see through the discussion above regarding the MLM marketing. I39m grateful to see that many peoples has pointed out their view regarding the 39ability39 of the MLM system in gaining what so call the passive or to more extend, they even abandoned their main job and make this MLM as their main source of income. In here I would like to share my experience for the last five years regarding my experience about MLM especially for 39A39 company as well as 39E39 company (bird). I was approached by the 39A39 company agent 6 years ago from my friend and in fact, he was one of the 39enthusiast39. As usual, he was trying to pump in the information of well known philosophies of self improvement like you must have the courage to face people say 39no39 to you, must improve your personal selling and marketing skill and bla bla bla. On top of that, I was asked to buy some self improvement tapes and CD in order to listen to the 39successful39 people story 8211 who know they are really successful or not. The things that they are most interested was how the profit money is divided like how many down lines you got and with that numbers of down lines, how much money you will get and then you will become rich and financial free that time. I use to get very disturbed when they explained these concept to me. My disturbance got intensified when I went to the annual meeting when you have pay for the entrance fees (I think this is very stupid) and before the show started, the organizer will play you some videos of how American peoples spend money to buy all those expensive staffs, you can become one of them by joining them. The video actually pissed me off and I screwed my friend after the shows started as it really gave the youngster a very very bad information of why we want to become rich. I believe this is a brain wash session for the newbies. After got all this information, I analyze the information that I have in me regarding this type of MLM marketing, I got a few conclusions: 1. They brain wash you how the rich people and successful people live like. This video will paralyze your defend system to recognize what is reality and fantasy. 2. The entrance fee of the annual meeting, you are paying RM100-200 for this where some ambassadors come and give you talk. If 2500 people are attending, then 500k free money for the organizer. Personally, I think the concept is better to apply it in your normal life that into this MLM business. 3. By attending all this brain wash session, you will become a loyal defender and marketer to the company with a very low cost. Sometime, you fork out your own money to travel here and there, the company won39t pay you other expenses. Despite all these, you still feel awarded. 8211 What kind of business can have an 39employer39 who will die for you and you no need to pay anything as other 39employer39 will train them for free 4. All the successful people principles are proven, this make you unable to overturn the law. Personally I think this principle has been raped and made use by the company. 5. The product of the company is not cheap. In fact, they keep emphasize that it is relatively cheap as the advertisement expenses is not involved. But I think the product is very very expensive. RM4000 and some even RM6000 for a water filter, this is ridiculous. One of my patient did purchase some cactus juice from 39E39 company, after serious history taking, she earn 2K and need to pay 500 for 2 packs of cactus juice. This is ridiculous, I immediately advise her to stop buying. Imagine u spend 20 of your monthly income for this, how unreasonable. Follow that, I ask my friend to think as a whole, who will gain the most profit out of the sales Not the ambassador or diamond, but the company. Unfortunately, some people just get 39addicted39. The ambassador is an icon to brain wash you. I never understand why they treat him like 39GOD39 in the gathering. As far as I know, the MLM company will employ the so called Ambassador to recruit and brain wash people. They keep on saying want to spread the news and want to see less people suffer by selling their product, but would they do it if they are not paid with the commission SNSBS is a new company but have some innovative products as per their website. They have their office in subang usj 1. Ordered some products for whole sales great products and service and General Manager Mr. Azeem very helpful after visiting direct Teacheryus August 18, 2011 at 4:09 pm - Reply hello there, I8217m Yus and would like to answer the science behind alkaline water. I have been drinking ionised alkaline water from an ioniser since 2004. The ionised water has 5x more excess oxygen, not in the form of O2, but in the form of OH - which is very stable because it is mated with positively ionised alkaline minerals. Two of these hydroxyl ions can form a water molecule H2O and give out one oxygen atom. The alkaline minerals is used to detoxify poisonous acid compound and when that happens the hydroxyl ion is freed to supply excess oxygen to the cells. excess oxygen prevent development of cancer. It is indeed the case of killing 2 birds with 1 stone. And this is no BS as form 4 science can prove it. No doubt that the stomach acidity is very acidic, ph1.5 ( cola is pH 2.5) but the pancreatic juice has a pH of 8.8. When food is being completely digested by the stomach juice which is HCL, sodium bicarbonate (known as pancreatic juice)is injected into the blood stream to bring the 8216mesh8217 safely into the duodenum. These juices requires water. salt (NaCl) and carbon dioxide (CO2) as the ingredients. However the remaining part of the sodium chloride that is chlorine is the troublesome factor. If we can supply alkaline minerals such as sodium, calcium, potassium and magnesium in the form of NaOH, Ca(OH)2, KOH and Mg(OH)2, that would be the best settlement. Ionised alkaline water from an ioniser gives them I have my ref from the book 8221 Reverse Aging8221 Not Science Fiction but a Scientific Fact8217 by Sang Whang. It pays to learn the chemistry of water as human being is more than 70 H2O, a walking being with a bundle of water wrapped in skin Understanding the function of water and drinking the right kind of water will give us health and longevity. STOPscam Save Ur Money April 27, 2012 at 11:22 am - Reply Thanks to stopscams007 for writhing this article. Will definitely share it via Facebook to gain awareness among all. Anyway, anyone heard of totebonus It8217s another MLM company belong to Matthew Ting, founder of Fusion Excel - Paul Ting. Plus there are rumors sayin that the group is actually run by the same gang of person who play the game Sunshine Empire. Pfultonproperties June 28, 2012 at 1:01 am - Reply I received an offer from another 8220Seller in Malaysia8221 They said we have to pay a 500 fee to pay for a health certificate that is imposed by the Malaysian Ministry of HealtFood-Safety Division in order sent to get a Sample of refined Sunflower Oil sent to us. I want to know if this is true or not Is he trying to scam us I have not heard of this. We do not want to waste our time with Frauds only reliable Suppliers. Bitte beraten. This is the name of the Company: COMPANY: MATZ PACIFIC EDIBLE OILS AND BIODIESEL SDN ADDRESS:Lot 3821-3822, block 19 kcld, Jalan lapangan terbang baru, 93350 Kuching. Malaysia OFFICE TELEPHONE. 601116380866 TELEFAX :601-2242-2658 Rasheed Mohammed Managing Director I received an offer from a 8220Seller in Malaysia8221 They said we have to pay a 500 fee to pay for a health certificate that is imposed by the Malaysian Ministry of HealtFood-Safety Division in order sent to get a Sample of refined Sunflower Oil sent to us. I want to know if this is true or not Is he trying to scam us I have not heard of this. We do not want to waste our time with Frauds only reliable Suppliers. Bitte beraten. This is the name of the Company: COMPANY: MATZ PACIFIC EDIBLE OILS AND BIODIESEL SDN ADDRESS:Lot 3821-3822, block 19 kcld, Jalan lapangan terbang baru, 93350 Kuching. Malaysia OFFICE TELEPHONE. 601116380866 TELEFAX :601-2242-2658 Rasheed Mohammed Managing Director Of all the long discussion. It8217s only natural joiners tend to defend their position because it8217s their rice pot. However, If most people join the business or we8217re recruited based on greed or fear rather than for the priority and benefit of product itself. STAY AWAY. They8217re not selling it in the right manner. The product should always be the primary reason. Then everything speaks for itself without any hard pushing or salesy talk. Just received a call from AROWANA VENTURES BERHAD saying I won a Cruise trip to nowhere with star cruise and invited to go to their office at UE3 and was asked to invest in their investment scheme. The scheme goes like this: 1) Fixed 6 p. a. return for the first two years. 2) A minimum of 29 p. a. for the following 2-10 years and a profit sharing of 50-50 if sold in the first 10 years. 3) There is a risk of losing the fish due to natural disaster but its backed by a trustee. 4) The investment is for one fish only and it cost RM30k fish. 5) It means they will help you raise one fish from small until mature. It cost RM30k to buy a fish that is not yet born. That8217s called risk and return, 6) The survival rate is 640 so for every 40 fish hatched, 6 will survive and probably less. 7) The telemarketeer that called me is 014-72826 8) Lets say this is not a scam. is there a possibility to get an guranteed return of 29 So many scams around and people are so naive and got fooled. Anyway the voucher they only gave 2 and they promise to give 3 since my child is going. Never kept their word so I rejected. Waste of time and money. There should be more people around updating news about scams that ripe people off with their hard earn cash8230 please don8217t cheat people8230. finding money the honest way even though it8217s and shark eat fish world8230.. The people who got scammed usually keep quiet about it. Most are afraid they become jokes to others. And we also do not have regulations on catching these scams. Even when there8217s enforcement, it only happens after hundreds of thousands of ringgit has been conned by these get-rich-quick schemes. My only advice to people who wants to prevent these scams from happening to them: People can only manipulate you when you show them your weaknesses, greed in this case. LIONEL FERNANDEZ and NAJAH AHMAD directors SERENADE SDN BHD 580461A Malaysia are under investigation by Malaysian Police and the anti corruption agency in relation to fraud, theft, embezzlement and misappropriation of funds from government agencies and international corporations. They claim to be associated with University Malaya and have offices within the university grounds. Naja Ahmad is the front-woman on behalf of Lionel Fernandez making fraudulent applications for funds and grants from different ministries claiming to represent companies and organizations. They have collected hundreds of thousands of dollars through their company Serenade Sdn Bhd refusing to give those funds to the companies they8217ve represented. When companies make complaints both Naja and Lionel then involve Malaysian 8216gangsters8217 and underworld thugs to threaten and intimidate both companies and their families to go no further. From Austria to the Solomons, Thailand and Indonesia plus all states in Malaysia they have left a trail of despair and destruction and have stolen possibly millions from unsuspecting businesses. They are listed with the MACC as being under investigation for international fraud and MACC is asking people who8217ve had any associations with any of their companies to contact them on 60 3 8886 7000 Ref: MACC14Serenade. Be warned to have no business dealings with either Lionel Fernandez or NAJAH Ahmad How about fortune ventures a company, l guess selling health product. Vemma manggosteen juice from USA. With their solid explainations and link with this good product also promised for monthly income8230.still with 10 free overseas trip that cost around RM1200 a trip. Believe it or not, they really smart in marketing8230but l still waiting with the first month income as promised. If success l will write for follow up. Hopefully this company not a scamps. Just do your due diligence. Trace the money trail. The money that a company rewards its franchisees must come from a sustainable income source. No free lunch rule applies. Last Updated 2017-01-12 by Martin Kay CTOption is owned and managed by InfiniCore Ltd. The Jaycees Building, Stoney Ground, Kingstown, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines but they are currently not regulated. Their phone is 4721954405 and contact e-mail is supportctoption. Clearing services are managed by InfiniCore Ltd. England, 2 Woodberry Grove, Finchley, London, N120DR, England. According to their Terms and Conditions, the CTOption website is also managed by Ninety Nine Research Assets Ltd, an active but dormant virtual office registered in: Anguilla, the Mason Complex, 2nd floor, company number is 08940282. This company is not licensed either and is warned against in Anguilla where it is registered, find out more below under regulator announcements. CTOption clearing is also managed by Ninety Nine Research Assets Ltd, England, Ilford, Essex. The brokerage is still not regulated by a major authority, so they either gave up on their efforts or they couldnt meet the standards. Is CTOption A Scam CTOption is operating like a scam according to all the complaints we have found. In addition, there are a few major downsides which affects CTOptions credibility. To start off softly: Some may say that the bonus terms are a scam but what bonus isnt a scam You have to read the terms and understand what you are getting in to and I never recommend getting into a bonus. You might want to go through Terms and Conditions before you decide to take a bonus, unless you want to might become another victim of your own will. Another thing that really bothers me personally and other traders is the 5 rules regarding position size. In case a trader wants to open position equals to 5 or more of their overall balance, they should notify their account manager BEFORE trading, else the trade will be canceled, even in the event of winning. That really sucks, and raising some questions regarding CTOption reliability. Update September 2016: The 5 rule is still in place according to their Live Chat support. Overall not much has changed for this brokerage in terms of what they offer but the clients opinion about them has certainly degraded. And moving on to what really hurts their credibility: More and more scam reports have appeared in the last period and people complain about account managers trading without their consent and losing their money. According to some, the traders featured in the Replicator software are actually the brokers people, not real clients. Upon further investigation in 2017, we found many more complaints regarding depleted accounts once clients requested for withdrawals and this is a big sign that CTOption is a scam broker. Find out more under Complaints. Another big sign of scam was exposed when we looked under Who referred you to use in the live chat. Apparently, CTOption is working together with all sorts of get-rich-quick scams such as: FastCashbiz. Code Fibo (exposed in our scam watch), Profit Maximizer (reviewed and exposed by us), Quantum code (warned against by NSSC in Canda), Cash loophole, Push money (reviewed and exposed by us) and many more already exposed scams Editors Note Why CTOption DOESN8217T Suck in 50 Words CTOption is based on PandaTS, a leading provider of software and platform solutions for Forex and other types of financial institutions. Why does CTOption Suck They suck because you will mostly find negative comments and tons of complaints about this broker and the experiences and stories are similar and they involve CTOptions account managers and their notorious Replicator. Should I Open an Account with CTOption You should probably avoid this broker. They are already warned against for un-authorized activities by many authorities worldwide and some stories told by many of their former and current clients suggests they have no intention to simply process your withdrawals. The platform itself is good and well equipped. Trades execute very quickly but moving from one screen to the next, or switching from highlow to touch trading has a bit of lag. The platform supports highlow, range, touch and Hyper Trading. Hyper Trading is their name for 60 second trading and other super short term expiry. CTOption may have the broadest offering in this class including 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 2 minutes, 5 minutes and 10 minutes expiry. Aside from those the other options are mostly restricted to intraday expiry8217s that will vary from asset to asset. The asset list itself is also pretty good. The only thing I really see missing are the Asian indices. They have the EU and US, they need the Asian. CTOption has more than 2 dozen forex pairs with four of them based on Bitcoin including BITUSD, BITEUR, BITJPY and BITGBP. There are 4 commodities including gold and oil and a basketful of international mega corp stocks. The minimum position is as low as 5. Another great disadvantage and threat is their Binary Replicator which is used by their account managers to deplete traders accounts. As if that wasnt enough, you will be charged a dormant account fee of 10 of your balance per month (at least 50) if you have been inactive for two months without prior notice In conclusion, CTOption will do everything to make sure you lose your deposit. CTOption Complaints More and more complaints pop up across the internet, ranging from price manipulation to failure to withdraw and to account managers trading without clients consent. These complaints can be easily found on the main online forums, including ours, in the dedicated thread: CTOption Live Discussion. Update January 2017: The complaints have multiplied since we last checked and the stories now line up: Replicator complaints, not honoring withdrawals, asking for dormant payment and generally very bad vibes. CTOption Regulatory Announcements and Warnings 01.11.2016: FCA, the UK financial conduct authority warned against CTOption that appears to be operating without their authorization. Furthermore, the FCA mentions on their website that CTOption is falsely claiming that their payment services are authorized and regulated by the FCA. 26.10.2016: Anguillas FSC (where the company operating CTOption is registered at besides their UK virtual office), issued an Investor Alert warning against CTOption and the firm that is currently managing the brokerage. 17.3.2016: British Columbia Securities Commission BCSC warns against CTOption which is not licensed to operate in BC. CTOption Bonus Bonuses are always a point of contention between the brokers, reviewers and traders. I dont like them and the CTOption bonus is no different. In fact, it may be one of the worst, or at least the hardest to understand, bonus policy I have seen. In the terms they state that unless agreed upon no non-deposited funds are available to be withdrawn. However, there are sign up bonuses that can be up to or over 100 of your initial deposit. Bonuses under 100 have 30X time trade volume on deposit plus bonus, bonuses over 100 of your deposit come with a 50X trade minimum. Regardless, I would normally speak directly with my account manager to be sure I am perfectly clear on the terms but since CTOption can change their terms and fees as desired I think its best to simply avoid bonuses. Update September 2016: According to their Terms and Conditions, bonuses of 300 and above (. ) will require a trading volume of 70 times the bonus amount before a withdrawal can be made. Keep in mind that the total trading volume will be reset to zero if you are granted another bonus. Latest findings from 2017 . Upon accepting a bonus, you may not withdraw your own money unless you first trade a volume of 1x the deposited funds the bonus and wait 3 months Remember that the dormant fee is 50 currency units. So, in case you deposit, take a bonus and realize you dont want to trade with CTOption or you just dont know how to trade you will have to wait 3 months which makes your account dormant and you will be charged the 10 fee and then a withdrawal fee of 50 which means you have already lost at least 100 or much more. To make matters worse, only specific investment sizes are accepted as trading volume and there is a time limit. As mentioned earlier, the bonus terms are probably the worse we have witnessed in this industry and the most complicated. CTOption Withdrawals CTOption withdrawals are a little bit complicated if not outright impossible most of the times. First, Min withdrawal is about 100. Second, In order to make a withdrawal you must fill out, print and sign the withdrawal request and then scanemail it to their financial department. According the companys officials, withdrawal should take approx. 24 hours after sending paperwork, depending on the method. They highly recommend using a single source such as a single bank account, credit card or eWallet in order for easiest withdrawals and compliance with AML laws. Ewallets have the quickest withdrawal they will clear to your account in under 2 hours once processed (2-3 days max for others). However, judging from what we learned above, a withdrawal from CTOption might be as hard as getting blood from stone. Because CTOption can at any time, change (read raise) your fees as they please or simply view your account as unqualified. Update September 2016: The minimum withdrawal is now 100 account units. The processing fee goes up to 50 account units and we strongly recommend reading their full Withdrawal Policy because they charge all sorts of fees and you should be familiar with them. CTOption Ratings User Friendliness 1720 CTOption is a user friendly platform. The layout is intuitive the trading screens are easy to understand. There are also no downloads required. The broker also includes lots of educational and analytical material including articles, ebooks, and daily updates but to gain access to most of them you need to open an account first. CTOption has a very very good asset list with over 100 assets. It is not the best and has some limitations but still very good. The list is Forex heavy but that is no surprise as most binary traders come from the Forex world. All the major indices, commodities and stocks are present except for those from the Asian markets. Expiry is OK. I say OK because it is good for day traders and super short term traders but not so much for longer term traders. Since it8217s Binary after all short terms are great. Update September 2016: Long Term binaries are now available but not for all assets. Anyway, its an improvement from the previous setup. Commissions, Support, Effective Returns 1420 After opening my demo account I tried to use the live chat to answer a simple question and got nothing after the hello. Maybe they care more about registered users who actually deposited Anyway, returns are average for the industry in the 70-80 range, including 0-15 out of money refund. Update 2017: Fees are not limited to withdrawals and are a bit excessive. Amounts up to 100 might not be subjected to fees for the first withdrawal but after that, a 50 or higher will apply. We strongly recommend you check out their fee structure in their Terms and Conditions. In addition, the fees can be changed for specific accounts at any time without further notice and you may be charged a dormant account fee of 10 or higher after 3 months of inactivity. Deposits, Payments, Bonuses 1520 Update September 2016: The minimum deposit is now 250 account units (USDEURGBP) and the minimum withdrawal is 100 account units. The turnover can go as high as 70 times for bonuses above 300. Overall, the bonus terms and the entire terms and conditions are a big mess and hugely unfavorable for traders. Withdrawals are often not being processed and in the meanwhile, accounts are being depleted using account managers or the Replicator. Broker Extra8217s 1220 There is the Replicator and trading signals but since you are in a conflict of interest with the broker its best to avoid them. CTOption Overall Ratings 75100 90 Responses to 8220CTOption8221 Hi Guys, just letting you know your rating of a trusted broker can hold a lot of weight in the B. O. industry, it involves some form of responsibility because if you are wrong you may be sending a lot of people to be getting ripped off. You had Opteck as a trusted broker a while back and they8217re a pretty bad broker (from experience). Please read some of the complaints on Forex Peace Army forexpeacearmyforex-forumresolved-issues35533-resolved-ct-options-binary. html If you guys are still happy then I will invest in CTOption. Just out of curiosity what are the credentials for making a trusted brokers list Have you actually traded with the broker and withdrawal profits thanks for the feedback, and yes 8211 we are more than aware of our Hugh responsibility toward traders. That8217s why we8217re here, and that8217s what we8217re doing. Regarding Opteck8230 It was listed for a very very short while as a trusted broker, however we8217ve decided to disapprove this broker. Too many issue, not exactly our cup of tea. We had high expectations from this broker at first8230 well. too bad for them I guess. They8217re now in a process of regulation and should be regulated in a short while, and it seems like they8217re back on track but we8217ll just have to keep monitoring. but that8217s it for Opteck as for CTOption 8211 as you can see on the complaint on FPA, it was resolved and quickly. I8217ve managed to make 2 withdrawals (not using my own details) and had the chance to speak with DR. Rudolph, CTOption CEO, a real nice guy. Another fact that deserves mentioning: StockPair is a trusted broker for 2-3 years now, even more. Yet you can8217t really find negative comments. not here and not on other website. I hope the lack of negative or positive feedback in CTOption case is the same as StockPair. So far 8211 so good. We8217re here to monitor and follow Hi Martin, thank you for your reply. You guys do a great job and I am happy to be part of the growing community. I have already made the one withdrawal from CT Options and all was done within the 24 hour period stated on their website. This was only the refund back to my card so I am assuming the bank transfer of profits will take a bit longer. So far so good with this broker. Regards Alex Is there a way that I can speak with Dr Rudolph over my issue that I posted below they take your money build it no losses mostly wins then bam it8217s gone said somebody turned on the autotrade switch and altrades were loss my broker said I8217d get my money back never heard fom him again I had money I was trying to withdraw all of a sudden I wasn8217t in compliance then it was gone now I have 13.75 wow I told them too keep it must mean more too them then me I hope dr Rudolph views the complaints and resolves them CT Option is a scam operation. How in the world can this site give them a favorable (trusted) rating They are not regulated by any government and I am afraid that I have discovered too many negatives pertaining to them. I copied and read through the very lengthy (35 pages) Terms and Conditions and I must say that I am literally astonished that CT Option actually thinks people in their right minds would just jump right into this scam. They have too many fees, charges, restrictions, limitations, and penalties (cited in their lengthy Terms amp Conditions) which basically gives them a free pass to manipulate data and to treat their trading members however they like in order to generate a profit for CT Options. I am nobody8217s fool. I have read volumes of reviews written by people who have had horrible experiences with CT Options regarding these issues and also about the failure of CTO to payout peoples8217 earnings. And when people write or call to complain about this treatment, CT Option has been known to simply 8220empty8221 a person8217s trading account and shut off all communication with the person doing the complaining. While you and your website paint a very pretty picture about what a wonderful broker CT Options is, I8217m afraid that in reading the opinions of many, many users I get a totally different conclusion. It is abundantly clear to me that CT Option are a Fraudulent Operation (with no professional regulation) that exhibits a lack of honesty, credibility, and a lack of concern or respect for their customers who have rightful ownership to their earnings. CT Options can hide behind a 35-page document filled with legal mumbo jumbo and feel good about themselves. But after doing my own research, I would NEVER deposit money with this broker because I already know that doing so would be the same as flushing my hard earned money down the toilet. It is a lose-lose proposition 8212- and it8217s called FRAUD. Stay away from this broker. They are NOT regulated. And now that I have read this review on binaryoptionsthatsuck I get the feeling that you are either receiving referral commissions from CT Option or that you have NOT done your homework. In either case, your reviews cannot be trusted either. Thank you for your comment. This broker is really giving incentives beyond the cheating. I also think that is totally fraud by the way even they claimed legit because of no government approval or international authorization license. So now, I get away of confusion and will not do so far. However, it spent for about an hour to watch the video. Hello thanks for the review. I have been debating wether to open an account with CToption since I have a demo with them and I love the interface, but that one complaint was holding me back. But thanks for clearing that up. I have been trading with Ctoptions off and on since Oct 2014. Until this last week I8217ve only given money in losing trades. But again this last week I was able to win back all the money I8217ve put in and have in my account a nice size profit. When I went to withdrawal some of the profits. I noticed that the withdrawal was pending for over 10 days. After email and calling to speak with my account manager over a dozen times. Final I was told today that even though my balance is over 2700.00. They are only going to give me 379.00. I never took a bonus because of the margin that they ask for. The reason I was given was because of 8220Risk Management8221. Reading over that section it only mentions losing trades. I need any help or suggestion you have. My account manager told me that even though I had winning trades. That Ctoption was going to act as if the trades never happened. Is that even legal. I am also facing same difficulty which you are facing please advice me what action you took against them. ThxRgds Gk Hey Elias, No problem Steer clear of their replicator unless you know the trader. The traders on their replicator looks good, but they are being done with a software. Trades are being done at the same second for different currencies. Either they have the fastest mouse in the west, or there is an artificial source making the trades. I know this first hand. They whipped out my 500 deposit and with the bonus of 100, they did it in less than 2 weeks. Hey everyone, another warning with this broker: I deposited a total of 8000 with this broker, and was assigned to an account manager named George West. After a week of trading with them, I got an email from George saying that my trade sizes was too big, and I should only be using 5 trades. This seemed odd, but I complied. I asked George if it was ok to take multiple 5 trades, and he assured me that it was ok. After continuing to trade multiple 5 trades, I got another email stating that my trades were 8220not covered8221 and any profits I made could not be paid to me, effectively nulling the 3000 of profit I made. This really made me upset because I absolutely love the platform they provide, but if they won8217t payout profits, even when complying by rules that their account managers provide8230. that speaks for itself. if anyone would like proof of this and the emails between us I will be happy to provide. BE VERY CAUTIOUS ABOUT THIS BROKER AND ANY BROKERS THAT REFUSE TO PAYOUT PROFITS8230 by emails between us, I mean the emails between me and my account manager, and the fight to get my profits Wow. This is a very similar thing that is going on with my trading account from CTOption. I8217ve put in since late 2014 a little over 2100. But with the last 500. deposit I had winning trades that took my profit to 2719. How did it work out for you Any suggestions on getting my profit out of this broker I ran I to the same issue with Ctoption. I8217m going back and firth with my account manager Alex over my profits of 2719. What was the outcome for you, did you ever get your money And if so how Ctoption did not have any problem taking my money and with any lost trade over the 5 rule. But once I won now they want to play this game. Thank you any update. Could you send me proof of that Good post I8217ve used ctoption for 2 months now, just recently managed to make my first withdraw. ct is not the first broker i8217ve used, and not the greatest one either. I8217m based in the US and haven8217t got much options, so far im happy with this broker. All of you complaining about support - you8217re right. not the best. but really, support is the last thing you need unless you make a withdraw. they8217ll only try to make you deposit, so better trade alone with no help from 8220account manager8221. Took me 6 days - to get my money Hello Everyone, I wanna share my experience about CTOption. I have no idea what Alex talking about, but I had really hard time taking my money back. First things first, Customer Service is really bad ( Id say sucks ) really bad feedback. You kinda forced to go and looking for them plus they are really rude ( Especially my personal broker George West ) they never called me to ask me if Im happy trading with them and when I tried to withdrawal money here it started all my problems. To make the story short Ive got money after 8 days since I claimed the withdrawal, and Ive got only the initial deposit of 250 rest of the money they kept into their account. Anyway, STAY AWAY guys I had problems to withdrawal 250 imagine if you will need to withdrawal more money. WASTE OF TIME. If you have any question, let me know Im gonna go into more details or post the chat with my brokers :) HI, has anyone tried their Binary Bug bot Is really 68 effective as they claim As for the Replicator, I guess from the posts above that it is really crazy and a huge risk of losing all the money quickly. They have a list of top traders to follow and some have over 70 win rate, what it would be really more than enough to start trusting. But is that real I opened an account with them but not funded yet. A nice guy called me, very realistic and wise, nothing to do with the rest of the brokers I know. He offered me a 5000 Demo account. I am thinking on it. Do you think it would be useful for testing the Replicator and the Bot before starting with the real funded account UPDATE: I was given a 1000 Demo account for a week, even without having funded my real account, which is nice from them However I tried Binary Bug and is not a real deal. For short positions (30-60 sec) it loses most. For longer positions (2-10 minutes) it is about 5050, so you don8217t really earn money. It hasn8217t been a long enough test, but as trades occur so often I think it is enough information. As for the Replicator I haven8217t had time to try it before the demo account was inactivated. Now they say in order to go on testing I have to fund the parallel real account8230 Best, the way i see it it that they have they 30 of traders happy and 70 unhuppy thats the way they make money also for the system you say even billion dollar computers cant predict the market price so how a system can the best way to make money its penny stock and options After reading and trusting this CTOption brokers, I decided to give it a try. This is my experience: 1) The platform doesn8217t timeout quicky, I find that those shady brokers their platform constantly time out 2) The platform hard to see your balance, don8217t know why they don8217t just give you your balance, you can see your trade history but no balance 3) The trader replicator, think this one you be careful cause I deposited 1000 using only one trader with the highest over scoring. Well, my account was wiped out in less than 2 weeks with 20 win rate, so the replicator is a bull Haven8217t had a chance to try to withdrawal cause my fund was wiped out. i give out trading signals people say they are amazing my twitter is itsoezz and you can email me e. oyefesohotmail. co. uk, I8217m very happy to give you a 5 day trial, you don8217t have to excite them just look at the signals and the results I find it amazing this broker is still operating. They constantly call you over and over again with new promotions but it8217s all a farce. When I signed up I had a complaint they decide to show me their advantage over me by saying I cannot go to any entity to complain and in George West words 8216WE ARE NOT REGULATED BY THE FINANCIAL SERVICE AUTHORITY OR ANYONE ELSE8217. If you really want to trade with a company that is not being monitored than go ahead8230 I8217m still waiting for my money back Cannot trust this broker, after readings the reviews I can honestly say I experienced the same, they offered a promotion and when I met the required turnover they decided to take it back. I have an email to prove this from Laura Martin. I was also told by George west they are not regulated by anyone and am still awaiting my withdrawal. Their platform is working against the trader regardless of the rubbish any broker gives you about how they work on turnover. It times out at the U. S. opening time so the EurUsd cannot be traded and they have this 5 percent rule which I will never understand. Be very careful of this broker especially considering they are not regulated I8217m writing this message in hopes I may warn as many people as possible who are considering CToption as their B. O. platform. I8217ve been trading for several years and would consider myself very experienced and knowledgeable. I wanted to diversify with other financial instruments and liked the idea of trading B. O. so I decided to give CToption a shot. I have several strategies and started winning the majority of my trades. Then over time, I noticed that my larger trade amounts were being digitally manipulated. So what I was seeing on my charting software (I use TC2000 Platinum) vs. what I was seeing on CToption8217s chart would start to change simultaneously. For example, I8217d place a 5 min. put and at the very beginning of the trade, the price on my charting software would resemble and match that to the chart displayed on CToption. Then about 2-3 minutes in, I would see the price drop on my charting software, while at the same time the price would start going up on the chart displayed on CToption I lost several trades because of this. There was roughly a 10 pip discrepancy anytime this happened, so in other words, CToption would give a 10 pip handicap in favor of themselves. For example, if I saw 98.8177 for CADJPY on my charting software, the price for CToption would display 98.8187 and would remain this way until the trade expired. Then about 5-10 seconds after the trade expired, the price displayed by CToption would fluctuate to again match the same price displayed by my charting software Unbelievable. It8217s been extremely frustrating I lost several trades and because of this, where I know for certain I won those trades fair and square. No doubt I feel slighted and taken advantage of. I hate it and I8217m calling out inequity anytime I see it. It8217s a pretty tty feeling to say the least. And now to come and find out, they8217re not even regulated by the FCA Not too sure what I can do other than write this review to try and warn others. To CToption: You are playing with fire Especially from what I8217ve seen on this page and several other complaints on other B. O. websites. It appears you have established quite the shady trend for yourselves and in this case the trend is definitely NOT your friend. For those of you who have been slighted in any way from this company, take heart and remember Romans 12:19 in the Bible: 8220Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave the way open for Gods wrath for it is written, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord.8221 Many thanks for your review. I8217m new to B. O. May I ask what trading platform you recommend Nadex, my friend, go with Nadex if you8217re wanting to trade in the B. O. industry. Everywhere else is a bucket shop if you8217re in the United States. If you8217re trading in Europe, Stockpair would be the one to use. They8217re now regulated and have integrity 8211 that8217s my own experience. Honestly I am disappointed in CTOption. Laura Martin was my first account manager. She convinced me that I would get the maximum support to enable me to make profits. She sent me so much emails and called me often. Immediately after depositing money she stopped calling. She didnt give me any support. I sent her an email requesting for support but she refused to reply. Then I received an email from Gabe Hamilton that he is my new account manager but still there was no support from him. I tried their replicator out but a lost over 50 trading 5 per trade in less than 20 minutes. My deposit of 300 dropped to 22 in less than a month and no is bothered to help me. I sent an email to laura telling her I had lost over 90 of my investment and I needed help but uptill this moment she did not reply. Its unfortunate because I made the deposit out of trust. CTOption is not advisable I am considering becoming a customer of CTOptions with a staring balance of 1500. I was most impressed with the live trading room the rep spoke to me about I have an overall good feeling about them. But i have been wrong in the past can you tell me about the live trading room and its effectiveness. Thanks for the complete Review. Before Reading this, I even wasn8217t informed about some features that CToption offers, although I have been trading with them for a long time. Since joining them, I have been trading Binary options following their 8216Binary Replicator8217 which gives pretty accurate trading signals. Its True, signal losses often, but at the End of the week, I Earn more than I lose. well i have not seen anyone talking about withdraws so i guess most have lost their money or are letting them hold it so you can trade a larger amount I actually have not complaints against this broker. CToption is pretty user friendly and best platform for novice traders since this broker always cares about traders security and make it possible for us to trade with EASE and offer fastest withdrawal. Trading with CTOption broker, I have made withdrawals may be 4 times in total. Yes, I withdraw once in a month. But I have never had any kind of problem withdrawing my profits since I have not received any bonus with them. ) I was preparing to open an account with CTOption but thank God I came upon this review thread. I gotta say though, I8217m still caught in between opening and not opening an account with them. The 91100 rating by the author of this review sounds very promising. But reading the user reviews and how hugely dissatisfied they are, that makes me want to stay away from them. Laura and George sound like two real douche bags from what I8217ve read here, even their names sound fake. Why is their headquarters based in such St. Vincent and the Grenadines of all countries So far Nadex has been the most decent broker I8217ve used, but maybe it8217s time I took a risk8230 Highest payouts, friendly trading interface, no technical errors and the trading conditions are excellent, I hope they don8217t change for worse. If they remain this good, I hope to stay a lifetime with them I have a long and prosperous relationship with CTOption and I still consider them as one of the best and most trustful online binary brokers. Especially ideal for beginners because of the user friendly platform and lowest investments plans I recently submitted a request (two days ago) for a partial withdrawal my profits, and within 24 hours of submitting the required documents my trading account was mysteriously deleted, not closed but deleted. I have made multiple attempts to reach customer service as well as my account manager for a possible solution and neither have responded to my inquiry. Not certain if this is a scam or merely an oversight within CTOption. Still waiting for a response from CTOption8230 Sort by Newest I have been trading with CT Options for over an year now. They are one of the best, I would say. I started on a weekend and had a very positive introduction by Laura Martin, the outstanding CT options representative, who has relocated from US. She is quick, thorough and very caring. Next, I was introduced to David Lucas, my account manager. He was easily reachable, very understanding, humble and went out of his way to help me. I intoduced three of my friends to CT Options because of him. Some of the positive things I have noted with CT options are8230 1.Superfast executions.. 2.Excellant customer service.. 3.Generous bonuses.. 4.Withdrawal in 3-5 business days.. 5. Ten minute options, which are unique to CT Options. Along the way, I have lost money and I took it as a learning curve. I have withdrawn money a few times already and almost all withdrwals were processed within 3 days of my initial request. The most recent withdrawal was for 5500 and I was stunned to see the approval within 2 days, thanks to George West, the incredible floor manager, who is also my account manager at the moment. George West has been a tremendous help to me and he is a man of his words. I have traded with 8-10 brokers during the past 2 years and have seen it all - platform manipulations, hype, signal scams, bonus traps, false promises, bogus education material and the list goes on8230.but I have been very very happy with CT Options. The only Binary Options Broker that is recommended is CTOption, their payment system is fully regulated by the FCA and I don8217t have any problems, however, I didn8217t accept any the bonus. Don8217t trade with CTOptions I8217ve deposited 350 euro, after all lose i made from 20 eur again 136 euro. with high risk. i wanted to withdraw my money and they said to me that with 350 euro i only can trade with 15 euro per trade but i trade a lot with 25 euro. then they told me i wont get my money back and blocked me. I have withdrawn my first profit with Ctoption. over all the interface is good. the platform is fair (not much of a fan), but the execution is decent. they do have a good number of assets to choose from and its a plus. I8217ve been trading CToption for a month. I have done a bonus turnover. Withdraw the money and profit. No withdrawals problems, support is great, outstanding or maybe my account manager is so good -). CToption is a fraud and I can8217t believe you endorse them. I have an executive account with them which I opened 8 months ago. After almost 500K in trades with them they changed my account. According to George West they moved it to a different server. It now takes 2 to 3 seconds to process trades and I always get the worst possible price on any trade. To make this clear let me give you an example. I take a call position on EURUSD. At the time I take the position the price is at 1.09150. During the 2 to 3 second delay it jumps to 1.09160 and then drops to 1.09140, I get 1.09160. This happens every time on every single trade. In a moving market this can give them a 20 or 30 pip range in which the trader can8217t win. Price manipulation is fraud and should not be tolerated but websites like this one recommend them and allow them to continue to trap people. Stay away from CToption they are a fraud and be very careful trusting this website, I did and it cost me dearly. I must thank to team CToption for making such an amazing platform and offering so many helpful tools and providing good supports that helped me winning trades on binary options market8230 Thanks a lot Hi Everyone, JD, I like your comments and you are correct, I signed up within Virtnext System and Virtnext suggested to sign up with CT OPTIONS to use system, one week pass, NO Virtnext system, Ct Options Andy Jones want me to trade on CT Option Platform, No response from Virtnext or Ct Options, Asked for refund from CT Options, they want my personal documents to withdraw my deposit, i did no trading on their platform because I8217ve signed up to use Virtnext, so, according my view they can not be trusted, Regards Winston Has anyone used their 8220Replicator Pro8221 service They have 8220pro8221 traders who trade your account. However, you need to deposit a few thousand dollars in order to activate that level of service. One of the managers from CTOption encouraged me to participate in this feature, and he even let me in on a temporary basis (meaning I didn8217t need to ante up any money yet, just my initial 250 to open the account). So I accepted that offer, and in 2 weeks they did (what appears to be) an EXCELLENT job of tripling my 2508230so I8217m at 731 right now. However, how do I know they actually did get those results by trading, and not by merely doing an accounting trick Also, if they are tripling the account every 2 weeks, why would I need to add thousands of dollars Heck, in just a month or so, there will be several thousand dollars in there. So, if anyone has suggestions or a history with ReplicatorPro, I8217m all ears. Afterall, I don8217t make money by giving them money. I am using Replicator Pro and it is going very well. I started Feb 4th and my account is up 59 as of today (315). I have not attempted a withdrawal. But so far so good. - Mark Good luck with your withdrawal - I also used replicator pro - after a positive demo I deposited several thousand and they kept trading it. after two months the balance was up 30. I put in a withdrawal request. The next day I checked, the withdrawal had been cancelled and every single bit of profit was traded away in one 3 hour session. I was called by Andy jones, because me and my father wanted to withdraw out money since we did not trade very much. He said that he could trade our accounts for 2 weeks, and there would be no catch we would keep all profits made. He also said that if he would loose the money, he would refund the money in my account. If we after 2 weeks wanted to continue, then we needed to fund further 1500 each into our accounts. So i said okay let8217s try it, now it8217s been almost 2 weeks and my account has gone from 250 to 666. i don8217t have plans to continue with the replicator pro because of the huge deposit, so it will be exciting to see i keep the money. I will certainly withdraw if they don8217t let me keep it, because i8217m not interested in lending them my account in order to make them profits. So Ken have you made any withdrawals yet How was the process of getting out your profits What did you have to do to request your money back and how long did it take Hi Jd Yeah you8217re so accurate pall, I personally signed up for the Virtnext System, had to fund my account with CT Options, seconds after paying my 250 Broker phone me trying he8217s utmost best to convince me to trade on CT Options platform and add another 2500 to my account, I declined and asked for a refund because because no link to Virtnext, That was on the 121215 and still waiting for news from my Credit Card Company, CT Options told me to send my Personal documents and then ask for a withdrawl, WHAT, I did not trade 1 cent and asked them for a refund Be Good All WA Thanks JD. You are very right. I deposited 250.00 on 02232016 per PUSH MONEY APP ( another SCAM software). They won8217t do anything because they say that I have to deposit another 1500. Wow I said if you can8217t work on my 250 how much more with 1500. I said you can have my 250 but you can8217t fool me the 2nd time around. And I requested for that money to be returned to my credit card but until now its not being done. Don8217t waste your money I have hade experiences with 3 binary brokers. NEVER ACCEPT 8220BONUS.8221 You can start trading without 8220BONUS.8221 It sounds crazy NOT to accept bonus, but the problem with it is that once you accept 8220FREE MONEY8221 from the broker, ALL CONTROL OF THE MONEY goes to the broker and is irrevocable. IRREVOCABLE until you trade 20X, 30x, 40x, or even 50X the original deposit. THIS is harder than 8220I8221 was given to believe (my own sense of self confidence). I finally learned how to profit, but it takes a lot of practice to discover your method. I trade short binaries 30 and 60 seconds, and it seems like it would be easier than it is. Of course, it is easy once you 8220get it.8221 Trading short binaries is like 8220putting8221 in the game of golf. It8217s great that you can hit the ball far with your driver, but it can be squeaky miserable over-putting a green and losing the game by a few feet or inches. I trade stocks, options, forex and now binaries. I think binaries are a 8220part8221 of a trading plan, not the whole thing. I also found that there are brokers who give you 8220UNLIMITED8221 practice accounts. Some will NOT GIVE YOU PRACTICE accounts which are reloadable. It takes practice to learn how to do binary trades and be successful. ONLY GO TO BROKERS who will give you up front unlimited practice accounts. I have found this in the market and happy with it. Essentially, I found that training and interest shown by your broker representative in your 8220EDUCATION8221 about trading binaries is a sure tip off that you have a good broker. Those you challenge you to take the bonus, learn with BONUS MONEY and then start trading your money, these are most interested in your money not your success. Best wishes. This is a new concept, at least in the mass market and many people are starting off-shore binary trading sites. At the moment it is still a very easy entry type business. Be wise, be aware and don8217t rush into anything. Don8217t take bonus and you stay in control of your money, deposited with the broker. Best of life to you NEVER EVER EVER do the bonus. It is a scam. First off you would have to do 30 times the 8216bonus sum8221 which means the total of your funds plus the matching so if you put in 2500 and they match you have a 5000 account so you have to do 150,000 in trading volume before you can withdraw any amount. If you use the broker to trade your account, they control the amount and frequency of trades which seems to average about 7500 a month so it with take 20 months before you can withdraw any funds. Your account will show great profits and returns, and within a couple of weeks the broker will ask you to deposit more funds so your account can trade with more volume. This means your trading volume will be reset to ZERO and the process starts over again. Understand they ONLY trade your money, not the matching, not the profits. So with a 2500 investment they trade a portion of that. If you had an account like mine, it would show 5000 because of the matching bonus. In 6 weeks the account showed 12,000 and the broker starting pushing me to add another 2500 so the account would trade at 10k (they would 8220bonus8221 match 2500). I asked why the profits were not being invested to achieve a greater return and he danced around the issue. I asked him to send me 5k and I would reinvest 2500 and he told me I didn8217t have enough trading volume. I began asking questions and he said in another few months he might could release 500 as a favor but he would have to present it to the board. I started asking what the issue was if this was my money and he said it was their policy and to read the details on the website which I did. He again pushed me to add 2500 and I said no way, adding more while not be able to access funds that were supposedly mine would be insane and foolish. He said he would ask the board about advancing money and would call me back. Days passed and I never heard another word. I filled out a request for withdrawal on the website on a Friday. On the next Monday my account was heavily traded (27 trades 50 netting 72 dollars) and no other trades or contact that week. The next Monday (today) my account was traded 20 times 50 for a loss of 828. All previous trades before I requested funds and started asking questions were done 10 at a time, 2 or 3 times a week always generating a 200 to 400 profit. This is a scam, they are no agencies regulating any of these brokers, the money will be gone. Do not waste your time. This website and others like it are part of the scam. You will not see real complaints only whitewashed issues and fake claims of trading and profits. You will see posts of how they got money immediately which are not true. You will notice all the adds these agencies have on this website which is the payoff to keep the scam moving. The minimum withdrawal amt. is 100.00. If you want to close your AC and you have less than 100.00. You can not get your money. You have to trade or put the money in AC. which I don8217t want to. That is CToption8217s policy. Anybody wants to deal with this broker, be aware of this information too. I asked them to close my AC amp donated the left amt. I opened with this broker because of FB group8217s signal provider. Some minutes after opening my account with CTOption I received a call from a guy named John to 8220assist8221 with the innitial setup. He was actually some sort of super pushy, very rude salesperson actually, who wanted me to raise my first deposit asap or else he would close my account, which he did. He didn8217t even let me use the Demo. I don8217t think them thrustworthy because of their urge for you to raise your deposit amount neither for their decision to close my account without my consent. Begin of the story one of my friend told me about ct-option and he showed me the winning trades and they have good replicator then i received a call from Alaa Karam and he told me that they are licensed company in London and he told me you can make withdrawal anytime and he explained everything about the company then i i deposited 2000 and after a while he called me at this time everyday and always reply on my messages in Skype and he give me 2 sessions for free with my account i started my first session with Lebanese guy called tony living in united states and i opened another account for my wife and my mother every one with 2000 so total i had deposited is 6000 he give me bonus 200 and they opened trades and they lost from my account 300400700 and they told me before i open my account that the trades they open for me is secured so they give me the lost money as a bonus and it was going fine i withdrawal 400 before i open the other accounts in the beginning they canceled the withdrawal and then i called Alaa he said that they cancel the withdrawal cause i am your account manager so i have to confirm it then he confirmed this withdrawal and after i opened the 2 accounts and after about 1 month they was making a 100 bonus so i opened another account with my name he told me its good for the bonus you can learn to trade on this account i invested another 2100 so total i had invested is 8100 one day i read a review on internet that they are scam and my account manager wasn8217t answering my calls so i made a withdrawal on my accounts so what they did is canceling my withdrawal and removing it from the system and opening for me trades on this account although i was taking screenshots before they do this so i had to wait until this trades closes after calls and e-mails with no reply another one called me he is name is Hossam Haddad he told me sorry you can8217t withdrawal money now cause if you want to withdrawal money the free balance have to be 10 times the withdrawal you want to make so if you want to withdraw 400 you can deposit 4000 and after this call when i told them that you are thief8217s and this stuff no calls and replies from may 2015 and there is screen shots for all what i said you can contact me to send the evidence on what i am saying and i opened my account this month i found that they take dormant fee 50 every month on my account and the available balance is 171 and they lost my money in another account although i didn8217t open this accounts for more that 7 months and another account have 1038.96 so i just wanted to show how they work for any evidence of mails or screenshots i have everything contact me i make withdrawals on my accounts they just leave it pending and after a while they remove it Note: all my documents is approved in all the accounts I requested a withdrawal on April 15th after trading my account for about 1 year. I didn8217t get any response from anyone so I began going to live chat everyday asking the status of my withdrawal request. They told me every time to contact my account manager. I sent an email every day to support, compliance, accounts, and George West. I have never received a response. On May 5th while on live chat the withdrawal request was approved and backdated to May 1st. I have not received any money from them or contact from anyone. I deposited 500.00 on 5-10-16 and the person answered for CT was a American ans was very polite ans stated that a Representative would be in contact that day or the next at the lastest the next day still haven8217t heard anything from a Rep. on the 5-13-16 I called again and looked at my account and the money was there with NOTHING done with the 500.00. I was not satisfied, I asked for my money to be refunded and I received a letter they could not do that because of laws for Money Laundering, they haven8217t touched my deposit, I do not like a Company that tells you Lies to begin with it shows me POOR Management. I want my Money returned and my account closed, your company hasn8217t touched my deposit in 4 days you have NO intention of making me any money. Refund Wayne Johnson ,52 Londonderry Drive, Easton Maryland 21601 Ph. 410-443-8383 PS, Money Laundering is a CROCK . They dont let me withdraw Money from may account. Altough i have sent my requered documents. My withdrawal request have been pending for 11 days. I signed up with CToption. I am new to birany stock option. Right now I am on a 1wk trail. I need feedback, Have any anybody8217s ran into problems with there brokers. I allowed their broker to make trades for me. He made 300-350 a day and my balance is now 380 within 3 weeks. I was able to withdrawal 300 and it was wired into my account within 3 days. Now, that my trail is over, in order for me to continue I need to deposit 5000. What do you think Is this a scam Beware, just read some posts. I want to make a complaint against the CTOption. Before I made my deposit, the support team member was replying to every email I sent, and answered every question I asked. BUT straight after making the deposit, she never replied any of my emails. It8217s about a month now since I made that deposit, the amount of 250USD is still in my account. BUT there8217s no communication at all. No one responds to my emails anymore. What the hell is going on with this company Word of advice, CToption. Until you make a deposit, they will speak very nicely with you, and respond to your emails promptly. I made a deposit of 250, after reading some negative reviews, I knew I had to withdraw immediately. The worst part is I had read a positive review from is-scam. One should not always trust the reviews, comments are more truthful with user experience. Anyway, now I am still trying to get my money back Hello, I am from CToption support team. Please contact me and i will try and do the best i can to solve your issues. regards, Patrick Henderson. patrickhctoption Mr. Henderson, I am considering opening an acct. to use BinaDroid2. I do not trade manually. In your opinion, should I expect an problems 8216Lots of complaints on this page, but no one seems to be using outside robot. thank you Hi, I want to try the CTOption broker but i found quite many discussion about it..can anyone show me any prove that you received the withdrawal i would really appreciated it. thank you8230 Agreed I have caught them manipulating trades, rolling over winning trades into losing trades. I was watching real time as they did this on multiple time frames on all winning trades that should have expired WIN. Adding an extra hour to eventually be OTM They will also not let me withdrawal after numerous request and docs done then they charge dormant feesimguragauaT Ill preface this with the fact that I am 30 days fresh in the platform. Support is HORRIBLE. Chat reps will tell you one thing, and then something different the next day. I get the feeling that they are just hired callchat centers. Could never get anyone on the phone (other than an answering service) and when you do its someone different. This may be because they care more about actual cash clients. News flash Your demo users are your potential clients. Treat them well. But then again this is not the big boys so don8217t expect too much. While the platform is sophisticated some of the features are not. WARNING: Do not use Binary Bug. It is not secure (https). This is something even criminals have online. So your passwords are most likely hackedintercepted by now if you did use it (SO CHANGE IT unless you want someone making 8220tradeswithdrawals8221). The platform is OK. No complaints other than their 8220business processesresponsiveness8221 which hinder the newbie more than it helps. Overall I would NOT recommend this for newbies (run away). I have had a pro look over my shoulder for a week and he would NOT recommend it (obviously because he is at a higher level and uses more sophisticated tools). But if you are good at doing things SOLO and don8217t care much for human interaction then maybe its for you. Now once you get past all the starting up processes lets HOPE they dont rip you off But there are plenty comments in this forum so I wont start. Just deposited money at CTOption Tuesday and heard from the account manager Wednesday telling me he was going to send me setup info so I can get trading. I8217ve sent multiple emails to the original welcome guy and they8217re support emails and haven8217t heard anything from them. I guess my question is how long did it take for them to set up your account I have not been able to get a withdrawal since I deposited my money over 8 months ago. I have read many stories where people are scammed by CT Option and I myself included. They will keep your money and give you one excuse after the other so you cant withdraw any of it, I had grown my account to about 6500 dollars and one day they put an auto trader (replicator trader) and he lost over 3500 dollars in one day). If you have an account Manager you can be sure you will never get the money out that you put in, you may get a couple of small withdrawals but you will never get it all back. I8217ve been with CT for a long time and I know they have a lot to improve but have also improve a lot more than expected. I can say that they have been great to me and I will continue to trade there. I8217ve not had any issues with them and also believe that there have a great future ahead of them. If you are still curious, don8217t hesitate contact me and check them out yourself: bit. lybinaryctop CEO and company is a disgrace and should be held contempt for unethical practices by taking advantage of consumers. Customer service is atrocious and account managers are corrupted No documents were signed on my behalf allowing anyone in the CTOption (InfiniCore) firm to trade on my behalf. Company refuses to answer emails regarding a refund. Much like everyone else deposited money. Read some online issues with company so within a few hours requested a refund, received and email stated refund requested. Checked account next day and observed trades without my consent. Within two (2) days money was gone8230 Hello Martin, What a fiasco I8217ve had with CT Option Everything from unauthorized trades bonuses applied ( which in my experience relates to a lack of personal 8220fiduciary obligation8221 ) to unresponsiveness of return call requests. My account was drained when I started asking question about withdraws AND a trade (long term for a substantial amount) was made at that time with an unauthorized BONUS added locking in my funds, again unauthorized. I8217ve tried many, many, many times to get back in contact with my 8220assigned broker8221 who has went so far as to disconnect his contact number. I8217ve e-mailed every section within CT Option only to be passed around like a cheap wine When one person does not want to address my problem they give me to someone else and this has been going on for months. I8217m still waiting for a response to numerous e-mails I8217ve sent requesting assistance but to no avail. This company talks 8220trust and client commitment8221, maybe to the 8220big fish8221 but it8217s not applied to the smaller account holders. I8217ve even requested my account number and have been given two different numbers 8211 how does that happen. I8217d love to hear back from someone in a position of authority to rectify these unauthorized actions taken within my account, but at this point I8217m not even sure that person exists. I8217m sure Dr Rudolph Smith is a busy person, if there is such a person, and has other business than to answer to problems such as mine. However, with that said there must be someone within his company that can rectify this problem. Doesn8217t bode well his brokers are establishing such a bad reputation for client commitment and fiduciary obligations through unauthorized actions such has been transpiring within my account. A reply would be most appreciative. I just wanna say me and my family opened an account each of us and left the money at the mercy of our brokerf from about July til now initial deposit was 500 and now it8217s up to 6791.00 I want to withdraw 6200.00 should I have any problems with them and how long does it take to see change from pending. I8217m verified already and everything Hi Len, Please keep us posted if you really do a withdrawal. I just opened an account with them and deposited today with the amount of 250 soon after that I received a call from Michael saying that his my senior broker which assigned to me. He said a lot but to make the story short his asking me to fund my account more to start the trading. The amount his talking is 5000, I just wondered why they said that a minimum fund is 250 if they really want is a 5000. After reading all this comment here. It leaves me thinking Am I really into trap I have been trading with them for the past three months and they do not pay out 85, they keep 85 of your profits for themselves, giving you only 15. In little over 3 months of trading I made only 930. My Account Manager told me I should be happy I was making more than 20 off my initial investment My profit during this period was approximately 5000, and I should have made over 4000 if they were paying out the 81 their website says they do. Instead, they took over 80 of my profits for themselves. This was not a mistake, it was INTENTIONAL. Many emails to Customer Support remain unanswered. They refunded my initial deposits but refuse to send me my small profits. They do accept US traders, but DO NOT recommend them. Robert Skiles hi guys. wanted to share my experience on ctoption with you. i deposited 250 on a new account. i was very satisfied about the platform during 2 month. no problem so far but i raised my balance to 350 little by little. then i took a bad choice. i signed up for replicator trading, following two over 80 rated 8220experienced8221 traders for one week term. each trade 25. three days nothing happened. suddenly one long term trade was put which ended up otm. after this suddenly 24 trades were taken in a row. 15 otm, 9 itm, which turned my blance down to 66 dollars. when i realised this, i immediately quitted to follow them this thursday a 5 pm. and placed 4 itm trades with all my balance. (high risk). i pulled up my balance to 569 dollar again and closed the platform. 7 hours later, in my absence and withaout any consentment, a row of followed trades were taken which ended up with a balance of 44. i claimed this circumstances to the support, but got no refund or something else. finally i tried to raise me balance and after 3 month time lost it all. this happened to me and i have lots of screenshots of it. I read your review and it sounds good, but going back it doesn8217t hold up with the customer experiences. Dave K, Anthoney, 8230 Even if you comply with the 5 rule and cannot get your funds, then what rating are they really worth. Conclusion: At best, the deposit minus loss is paid back. After the first few weeks, my deposit had fallen from 500 to around 200. The senior account manager Nicole Schuster offered me a test week with the Replicator Pro, who then raised the account to 2100 within 2 weeks. Nicole promised: This profit of 1900 will be mine after 3 months, if I use Replicator Pro with at least 3000 deposit 8211 so I paid another 2500 (April 16). After one month my account stood at 5100 ( 500). But then it began. The performance was negative and the account dropped to 4300 until I deleted the replicator. Intermittent mails and telephone calls with Nicole brought no improvement. At the end of July, I applied for payment. On September 20, I received 2099 and 1942 were retained as Adjustment. CTOption leaves me idle 8211 a reason or explanation is still missing today. Only John Wilson (VIP Account Manager) wanted me to pay another 5000 and he promised we will have great success 8230 NowI have enough and choose this way to hopefully keep other people from registering at CTOption. Lots of different people advertising options. Some of them are the people that are supposed to be helping us customers. How come they got rich A cut from CToptions is how they make their money. Pushy with all kinds of rules. They are not regulated or they would obey the rules for good business. I opened an account with CTOPTION with 750.00. I then read reviews that said they will not release your money when requested. So I executed a withdrawal request. The next day I received a call from a trader named Tom Silver who wanted to know why I was withdrawing my money. I told him I really didn8217t know how to trade. He told me that if I gave him a week, he would trade for me and double my money. Then, he would want me to give him more money. I decided to try it for a week. In the meantime, my husband became very ill and hospitalized for several weeks. Tom did trade for me for a week and doubled my money, but wanted me to put in more money. I told him I decided not to do that because I needed the money to pay medical bills. He said I would have to forfeit any profit he made, but i would get my initial deposit and the bonus they paid, and my money would be available after two weeks. I waited two weeks and submitted a withdrawal request. Their automated email said I would receive my money in about 7 days. Received nothing. I submitted another Withdrawal request, again automated email. Nothing I emailed Tom Silver to find out what the holdup. Nothing I8217m really glad I never gave them more money PLEASE DON8217T WASTE MONEY AND TIME WITH THESE PEOPLE after making dome money, I decided to test a withdrawal to ensure they were legit. Wellllllllll, They did not give me my withdrawal, they will not give me my withdrawal. They claim that I signed up for their replicator pro service. I did NOT sign up for it, I did NOT use it, I did NOT unsubscribe to it. I have asked them to simply show me one transaction using the service. They can not. Instead, they are holding my profits as some sort of fee. This was the biggest mistake of my life. Upon requesting to have the Auto Trader switched Off, and having the assurance from Benjamin Vice 8211 Executive Account Manager, that he had ordered it, The system kept going for almost 3 days, draining my account in almost a USD1,000. Upon my complaint and repeated emails, this guy kept ignoring me and never cared for my problem. Stay away from this outfit. Who can I legally complain to formally that regulates this industry Please be noted that all information provided by Binary Options that Suck are based on our experience and do not mean to offend or accuse any broker with illegal matters. The words Suck, Scam, etc are based on the fact that these articles are written in a satirical and exaggerated form and therefore sometimes disconnected from reality. All information should be revised closely by readers and to be judged privately by each person. 224 queries. 0.957 seconds. Bonus up to: 100

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